Billions Remitted Back South of the Border – IOTW Report

Billions Remitted Back South of the Border

Last year well over $50 billion was sent by foreigners living in The United States to Mexico and Central America. That outflow of wealth went untaxed by the nation where it was generated. The corrosive effect of so much economic migration into The United States is felt here as well as the nations of origins of all those border crossers. More 

8 Comments on Billions Remitted Back South of the Border

  1. You might just think we are all nothing but battaries to the Globalists. Veritable walking wallet banks to withdraw withdraw withdraw from until depleted and cast aside.

  2. That’s another reason they should be hunted and shot on sight… just like the democrats and libertarians who support illegal immigration.

    They are all traitorous, unAmerican, subhuman scum.

  3. never understood why PDJT doesn’t enact a tax/fee on out-of-country wire transfers (I’m assuming there’s some sort of International Banking transfer situation that needs to be dealt with somehow)
    … if you just slapped a fee on all WalMart $ transfers to Mexico … they’d pay for the Wall

  4. @Private Powers January 3, 2019 at 5:10 pm

    Private Powers! You sound like a G-d damned feminist! Are you a feminist, Private Powers? Now, shut up! And get back to work!

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