Bimbo at The AMA That Mocked Melania Trump’s Accent Offers An “Apology” – IOTW Report

Bimbo at The AMA That Mocked Melania Trump’s Accent Offers An “Apology”

Gigi Hadid (who???) offered up a hand written apology, which was not an apology at all. (The most surprising part of the apology is that the bimbo knows how to write in cursive.)

“I believe Melania understands show business and the way shows are written and run.”

And what way is that? The way writers only attack the right?


The note, if she’s telling the truth, suggests that the show’s writers intended on being more vicious.

In 8 years I haven’t seen one alphabet network awards show, or any show, that even remotely came close to mocking Michelle Obama. They simply would never do it. But there’s no bias!!!

28 Comments on Bimbo at The AMA That Mocked Melania Trump’s Accent Offers An “Apology”

  1. Just for edification (and not that you are challenging me), there is a big difference between me writing “who?” and a commenter writing “who?”

    When a commenter writes “who?” it’s usually tinged with the impression that the story shouldn’t have been run because “I never heard of them.”
    The “who cares what they think, I never heard of them” attitude, as many of you know, really annoys me.

    I ran the story. That’s the difference in the “who?” editorializations.

    I’m running the story because it is important to confront a leftist bimbo that was the host of a network special broadcast, even though I never heard of her before.

  2. The typical non-apology: I’m sorry if you were offended. Clearly you rubes lack the sophistication to realize that it is now the height of humor and “show business” to mock the people with whom “we” don’t agree.

  3. Screw all this apology crap! Apparently now we can do or say anything we want, apologize for it afterward, and everything becomes aw better, Boopsie. I would have more respect for this woman if she told her critics that she thought her stuff was funny and if they didn’t like it they could FOAD.

    “Never apologize. It’s a sign of weakness”

    — Captain Nathan Brittles

  4. “I’m sorry if you were offended.”

    What the heck is this supposed to mean?

    You were offended and that’s too bad. But, as you can plainly see, I am not apologizing for the act of offending you.

  5. I was channel surfing the other night and stumbled across the AMA show – it had those assholes from the Green Day band playing. Soon as I heard that spike-haired fucktard spew “American Fascists” I turned it off before I hurled my bottle of beer through my tv screen. The audience of Hollywood LibTurd assholes just sat there, smiling vacantly. Any real Americans in that audience would have been standing up booing them and giving them the finger and yelling “Fuck You, you Limey poofters!”

    Fuck Green Day – their “music” sucks anyway.

  6. Her father is named Mohamed–three guesses why whe did what she did. Remember there are NO celebrities unless we the people talk about,watch , buy, promote, worship them. SO STOP.

  7. Hey Gaggag, just like the rest of the leftwing morons, you know nothing of humor. Humor is “only” fun when there is some truth behind it. You know, like lampooning a First Lady who has a huge belly and butt by dressing the actress playing her in a dress with a huge ribbon under her boobs to hide said big belly and butt.

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