Bimbo Host At American Music Awards Makes Fun of Melania Trump, Mocking Her Accent – IOTW Report

Bimbo Host At American Music Awards Makes Fun of Melania Trump, Mocking Her Accent

Is this where the left is now, mocking accents?

I never heard of Gigi Hadid before, I have no idea why she is famous, and really don’t want to know. (I think she is a model.)

The dumb bint acts as if Melania is an airhead, and she mocks with a bigoted accent.

How would it go if I sent a black man with big arms, in a wig and a dress, out on stage and had him talk about shtrenff? ( If I hear Michelle Obama say shrtenff one more time, instead of strength, I’m going to kick her in her dick.)

34 Comments on Bimbo Host At American Music Awards Makes Fun of Melania Trump, Mocking Her Accent

  1. Maybe the bimbo should show how intelligent and funny she is by mocking Melania in all five of the different languages Melania speaks. (sarc)

    I’m so sick of these liberal, arrogant worthless people led by their liberal, arrogant worthless political leaders starting with Obama, and right on down the line to the likes of Bernie the burn-out Sanders who thinks he’s a big deal now, and still believes that everyone in the country gives a rat’s ass what he has to say about anything.

  2. She is a stupid whore whose mother was on ‘The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’. Her mother is Dutch and has an accent so thick you can cut it with a knife so I don’t know why she thinks it is okay to make fun of Melania. Oh, and her stupid whore mother faked having Lyme Disease for years for attention.

    Here is a video of stupid whore Gigi snorting something off a counter in a snapchat video taken at then boyfriend Cody Simpson’s (Cody, who, right?) concert:

    In short, she is a cokehead skank from a long line of skanks.

  3. Hadid is always on the UK rags announcing that she’s fucking a different actor every week, and always dressed in a bathing suit for some reason. She’s pretty much a Q tip with eyes.

  4. Speaking of accents…I’m sure she’s a nice lady, but you know that woman who does the head and shoulders, covergirl and coffee commercials who sounds/acts like a retarded Lily Von Shtupp? I’d rather listen to Melania than her.

  5. I see the left is still floating that bullshit that Moochelle was plagiarized by Melania.
    Their ideas, candidates, arguments, and comedy is bitter and stale.
    That is all they have.
    They are bankrupt.
    I am happy to say I have never heard of that whore.

  6. Gigi Hadid is a ‘porta-potty girl’ who goes to Dubai to {AHEM} “entertain” rich arabs…..allegedly.

    She’s a cum dumpster who has been on more wieners than French’s Mustard.

  7. In her defense, this is exactly how that no-talent slug Tina Fey found over-night popularity, awards, multi-million dollar movie deals, tv series. This slut is just following the formula already established.

  8. This GiGi idiot is just another Hollywood, immoral whore who thinks her looks makes her smart. Just STFU and sing or dance or whatever it is you do you stupid bitch!

  9. Shouldn’t some relative do the honorable thing since she has brought shame upon her family and all muslimes with her lifestyle and uncovered body?

    In the sprite of her mocking First Ladies, at least we won’t have to look at “an ape in heals” after January 20.

  10. Oh, come on! Give her a break!
    Don’t you remember all those Hollyweird Maggots making fun of Moose?
    Well, don’t cha? Don’t cha?
    There was that SNL skit … uhh … no … maybe it was on the Tonight Show … no … or SCTV … no … or … uhh … Comedy Central … uhh … no … oh, shit …

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Get used to it. The Hollywood crowd are going to be reduced to this crap because they can’t argue against Trump or what he wants to do on any logical level. If they’re challenged at all we’ll hear an eery silence as what’s left of their brains tries and fails to come up with a reasonable argument and then the failsafe will pop in and then you’ll hear racist, misogynist, rape and whatever else is in the toolbox. People have to remember that these Hollywood types don’t have an opinion of their own. They are given it by producers, directors, press agents, agents, hairdressers, interior designers, really anybody but themselves. They toe the line because initially it means the difference between getting the gig, getting the invite to the right party, getting an invitation to the talkshow etc but after awhile they come to believe it. What would be funny is if a few high end movers and shakers came to town that were conservative and these airheads were forced to a 180 degree change in their opinions. I suspect a few broken brains would be the result and Alec Baldwin would be so upset he’d abuse his daughter again.

  12. Conservatives (racists), be better than these people and don’t respond in kind. Stop watching movies and TV channels that support these hypocritical liberals. When they can’t get work then they will get the point most Americans don’t like liberal azzholes.

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