Bingo – IOTW Report



8 Comments on Bingo

  1. if you think obama is a Christian…..

    if you think hillary is honest….

    if you think the msm isn’t in the tank for the commies……

    if you think our public debt is sustainable….

    could we ever go on…

  2. How come rednecks like Jeff Foxworthy understand that abortion is murder while progtards, take your pick, just shrug it off and say it’s no big deal? I must be a redneck because I believe in God, guns etc. and that America is still the best country on Earth unlike libs who think we’re the bad guys because we don’t agree with them. Who was the last funny liberal comedian? Can anyone name one who wasn’t vulgar and profane and just plain nasty in their hatred of everything good?

  3. We received our grandchild a couple of days ago. She came out; head, neck, torso, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, hips, legs, feet, toes, all organs in tact and working, all perfectly constructed by God, and not one piece at a time missing by ‘man.’

    Thank you, God. And may God bless our beautiful, young family for believing in life and in You.

    Dear God, I am in awe of Your power and blessings.

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