Bio-Bricks: One Part Sand, One Part Bacteria, One Part Pee – IOTW Report

Bio-Bricks: One Part Sand, One Part Bacteria, One Part Pee

A South African civil-engineering student has devised a process to make super strong “bio-bricks” at room temperature.


University of Cape Town researchers say the process is similar to how sea shells are formed.
By mixing some of the chemical components of urine with sand and a particular bacteria, a  “microbial carbonate precipitation”   begins and they’ll be sh!tting bricks before you know it.

12 Comments on Bio-Bricks: One Part Sand, One Part Bacteria, One Part Pee

  1. With all the Lasix I’ve been taking lately for issues with my prostate and edema in my left leg I could supply them buckets of urine. I’m going to being be extremely glad when they get this fixed, sometimes getting a little older sucks and this is one of those times.

  2. It’s the reason I finally quit driving long distances about a month ago, I still like to drive but the long distance travel and long hrs. were finally getting to me. So I surrendered all my deliveries to a younger guy and besides I wasn’t looking forward to another Winter driving over the passes into Montana any more. I’m going to be OK as I have enough money and Social Security to get by on and I can get a part time job to make ends meet. I also want to join the American Legion and see if I can get a part time job driving vets around to Dr.’s appointments and such for the DAV, it’s time to give back.

  3. Start a plant in San Francisco and a few other progressive enclaves. Put some of those sorry ass worthless vagrants, drug addicts and just plain turds to doing something useful. I don’t think I’m interested in the project quite yet.

  4. There is a serious problem with chemical erosion of cement, mortar, stucco, stone, brick, etc. in cities where public urination and/or lots of stray dogs is prevalent. Urine also corrodes metal.


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