‘Biological Attack’: Vials of Blood Addressed to Donald Trump Delivered to RNC Headquarters – IOTW Report

‘Biological Attack’: Vials of Blood Addressed to Donald Trump Delivered to RNC Headquarters

Vials of blood in a package addressed to former President Donald Trump were sent to the Republican National Committee (RNC) headquarters, sending the office into lockdown for what Chairman Michael Whatley called a “biological attack.”

A hazmat team was called, and staff were forced to evacuate the Washington, DC, headquarters on Wednesday morning after two vials containing blood from an unknown source were delivered, the New York Post reported. MORE

9 Comments on ‘Biological Attack’: Vials of Blood Addressed to Donald Trump Delivered to RNC Headquarters

  1. Unless a vial broke, there SHOULDN’T be a problem.
    Put on latex gloves (maybe a gas mask, if you feel so inclined), handle with a modicum of care, wipe the outside with Clorox (unless you want to try & get fingerprints first).
    I swear, too many of these people have never been out in the real and dirty world, and are afraid of their own shadow.

  2. Probably some leftist lunatic doorknob-licker, triggered by the media’s “Bloodbath” blitz. Hell, it was probably somebody in the media, like that psycho TV production clown who was raging about the flag.


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