Biological Males Dominate Women’s College Volleyball Game – IOTW Report

Biological Males Dominate Women’s College Volleyball Game

UK Daily Mail

This is the shocking moment five transgender players hijack a women’s college volleyball game in Canada.

Footage showed the five athletes ‘dominate’ a women’s volleyball match between Seneca College and Centennial College in Toronto on on January 24.

The biologically male athletes were seen smashing the ball past their female teammates. The controversial players each stayed on the court for the entire game – while the biologically female players were substituted on and off the bench. More

19 Comments on Biological Males Dominate Women’s College Volleyball Game

  1. WHY did the opposing team continue to play? You walk off. You SHAME the useless cheating bastards that are playing and the criminal cheating bastards that are coaching the other team and encouraging this. WOMEN need to stand up for themselves in this. NOBODY cares what men have to say…and not just on this issue. It is NOT OUR FIGHT. We will happily look the other way if you want to exact some justice in the locker room, and hopefully dads will be exactly justice if these mentally-ill predators enter the locker room with their daughters, etc. but otherwise, YOU need to stand up for yourselves, and the best way to do that is to NOT PLAY THEIR GAME.

    There were males on both sides of the net.- Dr. Tar

  2. I think of all the social weirdness we’ve witnessed in the last twenty years, men competing against women has the be the absolute weirdest. We’ve gone from title 9 and womens lib to just totally disrespecting women. But what kind of pussy ass man decides to “change genders” so he can be victorious over an opponent. Even if that opponent is a woman. At some point in time he had to have a conversation with himself that must have gone something like this, “I’m a substandard man. I can’t compete with other men. Plus I like silk underwear. I think I’ll grow some titts and go beat up women.” Where’s the self respect in that?

  3. “Don’t feel sorry for the women at ALLLL…”

    I don’t think that’s realistic. Let’s take volleyball for an example. A lot of these kids start at 5 years old playing that sport. They practice year round. Attend summer camps. It’s a huge investment on their part and their parents. Are they suppose to just walk away from that because something mentally ill with testicles walks onto the court? I dunno. I think they need to get organized and apply some pressure. But just not participating is not going to happen.

  4. Didn’t realize that it was on BOTH teams. The FANS should have walked out along with all the female players. Again girls…you MUST STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES. And more importantly, what locker room did these mental defective cheating bastards use???

  5. I am sick and tired of us arguing about insanity and the administrations that embrace it for the great reset… It is merely an effort to create division and confusion. The sooner the mentally ill are dealt with, the better.

  6. Transgendering from a ‘male’ to a ‘female’ and jumping into ‘womens’ sports is EXACTLY what and how liberal democrats cheat and they have NO conscience nor ‘give-a-damn’ about what’s right, fair nor acceptable.

    NOTHING matters to them accept having the power over others.

    P.S. there is NO shaming these pieces of shit and if they are on both teams….they still control the outcome.

  7. I can’t imagine being such a loser that I’d give up a major portion of my identity in order to steal victories over others.

    What happens when adults begin claiming they are trapped in children’s bodies and they should be allowed to play sports against people half their age and significantly immature in physical ability.

    I guess the one thing preventing that perversion is the thought of those kids growing up and taking vengeance out on the older adult now that his or hers physical skills have decline and theirs have peaked. That and the rest of society unwilling to lift a finger to stop the well-earned beat down.

  8. My daughter plays on a team at a Christian school so thank goodness we don’t have to deal with this, but if she was at a public school we would not participate. There should have been zero spectators.

  9. Both teams fielded trans players. Evidently, trans players are quite well accepted in the Great White North as long as they win.

    Isn’t Canada where they let a 50 yo man say he’s a 15 yo girl and swim, change and shower with teen girls?

    Hey, hey, ho, ho
    Justin Castro’s gotta go.


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