Biological Women Are Being Displaced in Sports By Men Who Say They Are Women – IOTW Report

Biological Women Are Being Displaced in Sports By Men Who Say They Are Women

DS- A growing number of school administrators want to silence women and girls who dare speak out about the ways transgender policies are harming them—but these brave young women refuse to be bullied or made to believe their concerns are hateful.

They don’t hate anyone. These girls were among the best high school athletes in their region—excited to earn scholarships and opportunities by working hard to perfect their talents on the track.

All of that changed suddenly when they were forced to compete against transgender athletes. Learn how the Equality Act—legislation currently moving through Congress—would take these misguided rules nationwide:

ht/ RacKAttacK


18 Comments on Biological Women Are Being Displaced in Sports By Men Who Say They Are Women

  1. Well, thank feminism for this. If gender is a construct and no biological differences exist between the sexes, women will lose as women in their own sports, and they will really lose as male posers in men’s sports.
    By erasing biology, they have only succeeded in erasing themselves.

  2. You’re going to see this in Maine soon. The cowards in Augusta are passing a ban on “conversion therapy” which is simply talking about not being homosexual or trans or whatever label some like to put on themselves.
    So now we are going to have boys competing in girls’ sports and it will be illegal to say anything.
    Like our neighbor to the north, Canada.

  3. It’s just part of the big plan to destroy our culture. Our reps in government are gutless. Watching these “hearings” is nauseating.
    Political correctness is a phucking disease and there seems to be no cure.
    Years ago, Irish Philosopher Standish O’Grady, predicted that there will come a time when it will be hard to distinguish men from women, and my dear mother, pointing to a photo of Kathryn Helpburn in slacks,quipped, “and there’s the proof.”
    Little did she know what was coming.


    Simply forfeit the race or the game! How simple is that?

    You don’t NEED to give them some silly reason, because you’ll be forced to defend it 7 different ways.

    How about this, “Ouch, my back hurts, I think I’ll have to withdraw!” Say nothing, defend nothing, simply walk off the track, grab your bag and go home.

    All the actual biological girls do this, they can make a difference.

  5. Well, pinch my ass and call me Sally. The same booger eating morons who think the Law of Unintended Consequences does not apply to anything “progressive” are responsible for this fiasco.

  6. The girls should all just quit every sport in the school and make sure the local media know about it. Don’t join back up and take the season off. The school will become the laughing stock of the state and the state legislators will start to sweat bullets when they see the parents of these girls being cheated by some deranged idiot or worse, by a predator positioning himself to have a go at the girls. Then you’ll see some action when the normal parents outnumber the progressives about 50 to 1.

  7. Does this mean all those disqualified communist-bloc “female” athletes from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s will have their gold medals reinstated?

  8. This young woman gives me hope for the future.
    Such grace, strength, and conviction.
    She would pound AOC into dust.
    I hope she finds her peace.

    The other girls that had to cower and hide their voices, SHAME ON YOU!
    You better stand now of forever lose to these bastards for eternity. 🙁


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