Some of the eponyms Rutter and Foley want removed honor enslavers like former U.S. surgeon general William Alexander Hammond (Hammond’s flycatcher) and the Reverend John Bachman (Bachman’s sparrow, Bachman’s warbler). Other birds are named after people who subscribed to the pseudoscience of phrenology, including John Kirk Townsend (Townsend’s solitaire, Townsend’s warbler), whoplundered skulls from Native American grave sitesin the 1800s.
But Rutter and Foley say the AOS shouldn’t just stop at renaming those species. They want all eponyms removed, because naming birds after white people who “discovered” them is a fundamentally colonial practice, they say. They also argue that all of these historical figures are inextricably tied to colonialism, whether or not they directly engaged in the subjugation of people of color. More
Let’s see what they want to do with the birds named the tits
Tell them dodos to take a hike.
What’s next. Bald Eagles offend the folickly challenged?
I’m offended at the names of Rutter and Foley
Damn idiots appropriated names from a mariners handbook and a catheter.
I demand they change their name immediately!
How dare they steal their names from useful items!
FFS, these people are deranged.
When will they cancel Mohammad for owning slaves?
Loons…a bird that needs no renaming…
And all the SJWs will just parrot these demands.
Sounds like the same crap they did about reclassifying Pluto and renaming the dinosaurs. None of these changes advances knowledge, but it gives these so-called researchers busywork and an excuse to publish worthless papers.
There are just too many researchers who aren’t discovering anything who resent those who did.
Just call ’em all “boids”. That will fix it.
Obama’s Worbler and Transgender Tits sounds like a bad idea to me but hey, I’m not woke so what do I know?
It’s fantastic that leftists have solved all of America’s problems and have time to deep dive on the petty issues that irk them.
Or maybe it is that they have erased white history, removing all images of founders and deep thinkers, Taliban style, and now they’re going to get even more totalitarian and fascistic because they thunder across the country unimpeded in their religious fervor?.
Meanwhile, their brown shirts are running wild with their murdering, burning and looting.
Alger Hiss called from the grave and he wants Prothonotary Warblers added to that list just because. Prothonotary Warblers are one of the reasons Richard Nixon knew that Alger Hiss was a liar during Whittaker Chambers trial for defamation of Alger Hiss’s character in the late 1940’s that proved Alger H
iss was a communist.’
Mocking bird names is fowl behavior. I won’t quail before these odd ducks, their ideas are simply cuckoo. Let osprey few are be gulled by these turkeys.