Bitchy Confirmed Bachelor Influencer Claims Trump Was Booed at College Football Game – IOTW Report

Bitchy Confirmed Bachelor Influencer Claims Trump Was Booed at College Football Game

The audio doesn’t even seem right.

28 Comments on Bitchy Confirmed Bachelor Influencer Claims Trump Was Booed at College Football Game

  1. Confirmed Bachelor means he is a pillow biting degenerate ass bandit, and his butthole sucks dicks.

    I love the English language. In the old days they said you were a Confirmed Bachelor, these days we know you wear mesh shirts to work, “run” like a faggot, and always carry the smell of ass about your degenerate faggot person… with a photo of your degenerate faggot “husband” on your desk.

    I don’t take them seriously. They belong in rubber rooms.

  2. “For the bucks the DNC is paying him he’d call his own mother a slut.”
    His mother WAS a slut, wasn’t she?

    Used to hang out at the Baltimore docks taking all “comers” … oh … that was Nancy Pelosi (Nancy D’Alesandro at the time) … sorry … my bad … though she may have been his mother … nobody knows for sure. His mother abandoned him in the back seat of a wrecked 62 Dodge Dart.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. On the other hand, Trump seemed to know where he was and how to walk from point A to point B. Unlike another President whose name currently escapes me.

  4. Erik – please don’t generalize regarding a person’s desire to stay single, or a “confirmed bachelor”. I’m north of 70, have had many long-term relationships with women, have never desired anything beyond friendship with other males, participate in “manly” activities and have never been lonely – just alone. I’ve never even lived with anyone. Lots of it is having been an only child. I like most everyone, am very social but am perfectly happy being by myself. Perhaps an exception statistically but we do exist. Please don’t think I’m trying to be confrontational with you, simply pointing out that the broad brush approach in classifying populations / groups is exactly what causes some of our issues. Take gun control. TPTB seem to want to penalize everyone for the actions of a few.

  5. Biden is the very definition of a dictator. (Not to be confused with the previous demo commie president, a dick taker). And this useful idiot calls President Trump a wanna be dictator? Really? No president has dictated more economy destroying policy than Joe Biden; Stop the wall, stop the pipeline, open the border, stop oil exploration, forced EVs, forced money printing, forced inflation, funding a war without getting congressional approval, forced fagification of the military, forced DEI on government employees. And we’ll never know how many secret, backstabbing deals he made with China. All that damage without congressional approval. Tell me again how President Trump is a dictator?

  6. For the first video, Goldenfoxx nailed it. For the second video, I hear mostly cheering in the stadium crowd, but some booing as well. There’s nothing unique or unusual about that.

  7. Newsmax is in on this too and they’re really trying to make a big deal out of it. Pretty easy to see it was a set up. They hired ten people to boo Trump right when he arrived. In fact, that looks like it should be a restricted area.


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