Bitten in the Ass by Your Own Monster – IOTW Report

Bitten in the Ass by Your Own Monster

image by BFH^

American Thinker-

Berkeley law dean Erwin Chemerinsky has never been a favorite of mine, but I love irony, and this week he’s my avatar of people whose actions have come back to bite them. He has publicly bragged, for example, how much easier it is to avoid anti-discrimination laws in his faculty hires than it is in student admission, tacitly admitting that is what he has done and what he encourages others to do. But that seems to be of no avail to him now that he’s become a target for the Left and Jihadists acting in coalition.

This week, Chemerinsky and wife, Berkeley law professor Catherine Fisk, got an uncomfortable lesson in the perils of ceding space and voice to ill-educated, boorish, students.

read more

ht/ anymouse

15 Comments on Bitten in the Ass by Your Own Monster

  1. Fuck each side of this mess.

    I have more important things to worry about, like the survival of my nation under a plagiaristic dolt named Biden….Resident of the corporation of the United States.

  2. ^^^^^^
    “like the survival of my nation under a plagiaristic dolt named Biden”

    I’ve read on several reputable IG news sights that Ray issued 51 security advisories last night. If that’s the case that tells me they’re probably watching or aware of 51 cells.
    Talk about decisions that will come back and bite you (us) in the ass. And the border is still wide open.

  3. Still a satisfying read. And won’t change their politics in the least, which is the humorous part.
    Like the link SNS.
    Sad to take solace in the fact that at least your enemies will be going down with the ship also.

    The question is: Do I have enough powder and primers?

  4. We had a dog once that would clean the cat scat out of the box… I think that is one of those coprophagy things…. maybe!


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