Bitter Clinton Team Members Lash Out at Team Trump at Harvard Roundtable – IOTW Report

Bitter Clinton Team Members Lash Out at Team Trump at Harvard Roundtable

What a bunch of whiny, bitter, accusatory delusional jerks. This was supposed to be an analysis of why Hillary lost and Trump won.

The entire Hillary team says it’s because Trump is a racist and appealed to racists. Period.

The proof, they say, was taking on Steve Bannon, who they say is a racist who summoned all of his fellow racists to “take back America from non-whites.”

Go to 1:36:00 – it gets very heated.


ht/ justthetip

19 Comments on Bitter Clinton Team Members Lash Out at Team Trump at Harvard Roundtable

  1. Let’s face it, if it wasn’t for racism, homophobia, sexism and all the other jerk-fuck terms, the liberals would have nothing on which to blame their ignorance, lies, fallacies or fuck-ups.

  2. What about tolerance and diversity from the left?

    Oh that’s right, I remember how the left defines that now – do as I SAY not as I DO.

    Hillary wanted to make the word of the year, “misogyny”. Trump persuaded her to make it, “Hypocrisy”.


  3. Based on the audio, the Clinton people still don’t seem to have the capacity (and hopefully won’t in the future) to grasp that their entire world view has been formed, and only exists, within their limited, self reinforcing echo chambers that they created for themselves.

    The universe of human beings they actually listen to and have any meaningful contact with consists only of the relatively few mutual admiration society members consisting of over-educated Ivy Leaguers, crooked political operatives, self important media “personalities” and naive, millennial volunteers that have bought into the intellectual bilge that is being shoveled out from the moral vacuum that is our “education” system these days.

    They honestly believe that “white people” (other than themselves and their fellow travelers of course) are totally racist because they have blindly convinced themselves of this fallacy based on the fevered imaginings of their own blinkered group think created by leftist agitators with ulterior motives. Anyone that disagrees with their twisted world view is not only stupid / uneducated / backward, but racist, etc. as well and doesn’t even deserve to breathe the same rarefied air that they do.

    They honestly have no idea that the people that live outside their comfortable, insulated bubble (most of those in the overwhelmingly red counties on the latest electoral map)see and live “real life” with all its ups and downs, unfairness, simple pleasures and joys, and they have true compassion for their fellow man on a human level regardless of whatever soulless identity group leftists have tagged them as being members of.

    Decent, morally just people of all colors and backgrounds are tired of being lied to by politicians, ripped off by their own government to support foreign / criminal invaders that shouldn’t even be here, all while being accused of being morally reprehensible human beings for simply wanting a decent life for their own families and desiring to hold their own opinions about things without being “burned at the stake” for them.

    I think the people “analyzing” the campaign need look no further than these things to see why Clinton lost and Trump won.

  4. So we must conclude then that the Latinos and Blacks who voted for Trump just didn’t pick up on the “dog whistle” appeal to racism, likewise the many who stayed home and chose not to cast a vote for Hillary. Of all the people that would be sensitive to an inherently racist message – they didn’t hear it and weren’t motivated enough to defeat Trump and his band of racists. And for the sake of argument, what would the actual “KKK vote” amount to in terms of swaying an election either way? Like Kellyann said: I never have heard or seen anything regarding white supremacy associated with Breitbart sites. No, Team Hillary is simply revealing what they already think about America and Americans, and Hillary herself stated it: Deplorables.

    I hope they continue with this narrative. It will further alienate them from mainstream America.

  5. Translation: You didn’t follow OUR rules. No fair, doesn’t count. White Girl privilege.
    Stella Ella Ola clap clap clap
    singing es Tiga Tiga, Tiga Tiga Shack Shack
    Es Tiga Tiga, Baloa Baloa, Baloa Lo-a-Lo
    1 2 3 4 5
    Nobody Does It That Way
    It’s Not Her Fault
    Do Over Back Up Chance

  6. Good grief, it is always the same thing with these spoiled snot-nosed loud-mouthed brats: anyone who does not agree with them is a racist, or a sexist, or some kind of ‘phobe.’ How tolerant and open-minded of them. They wonder why they lost. It’s because they and their hero hilLIARy are a bunch of loud-mouthed disrespectful arrogant useless whiny JERKS

  7. Yeah, let’s blame racists for Trump’s victory, because there are sooooo many of them in America. In the meantime, we will ignore the multitude of Hillary’s scandals that came to light. Email servers, the Clinton Foundation, pay for play, Bengazi, lying to the family members, etc. and let’s not forget the skanks inability to acknowledge any of them, or admit wrongdoing at any time.


  8. The couple of the libshit chicks sounded like they were about to cry.

    They brought up the “Enquirer”? Quoted it? Ha ha

    And there was no mention of pizza-gate being a smear which means they know it’s true.

  9. Let’s say “They’re right.” If you want general suffrage, and most of the people are deplorable (leaning), then Good(TM) people lose elections. I know, math is hard.

    Now, if you don’t want stupid people to be allowed to vote, there’s a constitutional amendment I’ll support. I just don’t think that means what you think it means, snowflake.

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