Bitter Hillary laments nobody is asking her for 2020 advice – IOTW Report

Bitter Hillary laments nobody is asking her for 2020 advice

American Mirror: Hillary Clinton admits nobody is seeking her advice on running for president in 2020.

In a recent interview with the Hugh Hewitt radio program the twice failed presidential candidate revealed that “nobody’s actually been to see me” about running for the nation’s top office.

“I see Democrats all the time, and nobody has said ‘Hey, I’m going to run,’ or ‘I’m thinking about running, give me advice now,’ because it is too soon,” Clinton said.

Clinton claims some Democrats promised to pay a visit but it hasn’t happened yet.

“And there may be some private planning going on by some people. I wouldn’t know who. I wouldn’t hazard a guess. But in terms of actually seeking out advice, people have said hey, I want to come talk to you. But I haven’t had those conversations, in large measure, because I’ve said I’m going to focus next year on 2018, and then you know, I’ll be happy to talk.”

And while Clinton contends it’s too soon to talk about 2020, some are rightly questioning why anyone would actually want advice from a sore loser about how to run a winning campaign.  read more

20 Comments on Bitter Hillary laments nobody is asking her for 2020 advice

  1. If you recall, it wasn’t her that decided to run for president a second time. It was the overwhelming push from her base that forced her to run. She did absolutely nothing in the last presidential race.

  2. And speaking of Hugh Hewitt, that dickhead was just now gushing about that Lou Bosley guy who’s playing spoiler in the Alabama Senate race. We are going to be bombarded by the media with this Bosley jerk all day long, probably every day for two weeks.

  3. Insanity runs deeply in HRC. She doesn’t just deny reality, she always creates her own fantasy reality and expects everyone to bow to it.

    Besides, she probably charges too much for an audience with her, especially a private one, which she tapes, films, and frisks the attendee.

  4. I guess they don’t need advice on money-laundering, murder, tax-evasion, Treason, illegal Top Secret e-mail transfers, extortion, plunder, Russian Uranium scams, or Haitian catastrophe scams.

    They probably have their own, highly efficacious, ideas on those subjects.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. It couldn’t be because you’ve never learned from your mistakes, like McCain. You cannot be trusted, like McCain. You’d stab your best friend in the back for a buck, like McCain. You’d sell two candidates two opposite opinions, then when confronted with video evidence, you’d try to lie your way out, like McCain. Or it could be that every democrat candidate tainted by a Clinton connection is going to be pure gold for Republican challengers.

  6. Nobody, but nobody wants to take advice on campaign from a loser, especially one with the illegal votes.

    You didn’t ask me for advice. but here it is: go to a well-known and est. federal penitentiary, remain there for the rest of your natural life for your crimes,

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