Acting CFPB Director Mick Mulvaney Holds Brilliant Press Conference – IOTW Report

Acting CFPB Director Mick Mulvaney Holds Brilliant Press Conference

Conservative Treehouse:

OMB Director Mick Mulvaney is covering as ‘Acting Director‘ for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) until a permanent replacement is nominated by President Trump.  As most people are aware the Democrats are apoplectic about their holy grail bureau being under oversight of Mr. Mulvaney.  As evidence of their angst they are supporting legal maneuvers to stop the Trump administration from carrying authority within the agency.

The Department of Justice, White House Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), agreed with President Trump’s authority to appoint an ‘acting director’.  The legal counsel within the CFPB also agreed that President Trump was well within his authority to appoint Mulvaney.   However, that didn’t stop bureau employee Leandra English from filing a weakly positioned lawsuit trying to stop Director Mulvaney.

A federal judge listened to the argument of CFPB employee Ms. English a few hours ago. Judge Tim Kelly did not make an immediate ruling.  Instead, the DOJ will file a response to the pleading later tonight and Judge Kelly said he’ll take a look and make a decision from there.

The CFPB is the product of far-left progressives, specifically Elizabeth Warren, initially setting up a financial control agency that operates without congressional oversight. The Bureau construct was challenged in court and ruled ‘unconstitutional’.  That’s the backdrop for this press conference today with Acting Director Mick Mulvaney.


“Only one person who today showed up at work claiming to be director.”  “She wasn’t here.”   “In the ordinary world, if you don’t call, you don’t show, you don’t have a job the next day, but I’m not sure how it works here.”

Make Sure You Watch The Video:

18 Comments on Acting CFPB Director Mick Mulvaney Holds Brilliant Press Conference

  1. Judge Andrew Napolitano opined last night that the Court generally defers to the most recent law regarding succession. In this case it would be the Dodd Frank law which places the CFPB outside of executive control or oversight.

  2. Judge Andrew Napolitano opined last night that the Court generally defers to the most recent law regarding succession. In this case it would be the Dodd Frank law which places the CFPB outside of executive control or oversight.

  3. He was sharp in that press conference but I remember him at a townhall meeting in SC telling his very unhappy constituents about why he was supporting amnesty and being deceitful while doing so. Glad he’s turned around.

  4. Racer X — He is the Director of OMB (nominated by Trump in December). Trump is using him on dual assignment — so Trumpian to shift your proven people onto hot spots.

    One thing I don’t understand, though. If the courts already deemed the CPFB unconstitutional, why is it still operating? No one asked that question.

  5. The fucking democrats are so used to getting way with gaslighting people with utter bullshit that they’re now claiming that they can take permanent control of an entire executive branch agency blocking the POTUS out completely. This is really bordering on out an out treason. I hope some democrat cunts land in jail over this bullshit. You just know they’re stealing the government blind through the CFPB.

  6. If only another republican could explain things in such emphatic simple terms.
    BTW I see a judge (Trump appointee, yes elections do have consequences) ruled against Ms English. How deep are the pockets of her puppet masters? Do they dare go to SCOTUS to be humiliated?

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