Bizarre Looking Carly Simon Reworks Her “You’re So Vain ” Song For Anti-Trump Ad – IOTW Report

Bizarre Looking Carly Simon Reworks Her “You’re So Vain ” Song For Anti-Trump Ad

She reworks one lyric and rerecords it to say, “your face it was apricot.” Should Carly Simon be talking about people’s faces? A color of a face can be changed. What the hell are you supposed to do with Simon’s face?



70 Comments on Bizarre Looking Carly Simon Reworks Her “You’re So Vain ” Song For Anti-Trump Ad

  1. They’re describing 0bama.

    Carly was already a spiteful bitch the first time she first shit that song out.

    That face would give a man a heart attack if he had to wake up in the same bed.

  2. It is hilarious that these old hags will crawl back into the spotlight not realizing how badly they have aged, and try to get another 2 mins of fame…..all the while Trump is living rent-free in their heads, and everyone else’s cheering her on or not. You can’t buy ads this good.

  3. Geezuz, where did she come from. Last I heard she was living on her residuals and cashing Social Security cheques. Remember all the bullshit mystery she built around the “You’re so Vain” song in order to sell more records to buy more coke. Hell, she’s a capitalist masquerading as a hippie/socialist attacking the only kind of honest capitalist one in the race in order to gain a little more notoriety and sell a few more albums to people who kind of know the name but not the person. I don’t think she’s buying the coke anymore though, more like Depends.

  4. The left just isn’t getting the fact that we like Trump for being Trump. We’ve never seen someone smart, quick on his feet, energetic, non-politically correct, truthful, who smacks down the opposition and doesn’t back down. Keep this train rolling!!

  5. @KMM October 10, 2016 at 1:59 pm

    I think they do get that. They don’t understand it, but they believe it. What they can not, however, ever… ever, believe is how many are simply, sincerely, honest in their statements of “Never Hillary”. Because the only solution to “Never Trump” and “Never Hillary” is still “Never Hillary”. And that’s, just, well… MADNESS!!!!!!!!

  6. Ahh, the “poor little rich girl” (heiress to the Simon & Schuster fortune) has to proclaim her bona fides on socialism to continue to be invited to the Upper Manhattan tofu parties.

    Limousine liberal hypocritical puke – totally down with the masses – as long as they don’t get too close.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. My husband once ran into a celeb at a private airport and asked to snap a selfie with the celeb. My husband texted the photo to me of the celeb — in tight jeans, billowy white blouse unbuttoned “down to here,” broad-brimmed floppy hat, long brown hair, big teeth.

    “Wow!” I texted in return. “You met Carly Simon?!”

    It was Steven Tyler. True story.

  8. wow- time really does age us. I thought I was still a good looking person-better go get a new mirror–mirror mirror on the wall who’s the fairest of them all? 🙁

  9. “Your so strange…..” Carley. Guess James Taylor whacked her around once too often….unlike the meanie Trumps who calls people names and uses naughty language.

  10. She sang for Hillary’s party, she tried to demonize Trump a lot.
    She’s got a rubbery face and big horse teeth, her talent has gone to pot. she’s got turkey neck and frizzy hair and beady eyes you see. and all democrats think shes a keeper when shes a creeper yea. Shes so lame, she probably thinks her song is about true she’s so lame. she probably thinks it’s about true, about true.

  11. bb > That’s the most aerodynamic chin I’ve ever seen.

    Only Kerry can rival that.

    I had an acquaintance that spent summers on Martha’s Vineyard. She came back after her first trip and said she’d met Carly Simon. O really, says I. And?

    “She’s really not that pretty”, which was polite speak for startlingly unattractive and a bit scary. It’s good for young women to get a fix of how pro photographers, money, a leisured life, and popularity combine to sell-sell-sell an image for your cold cash. This was back in the early 80s. She really hasn’t aged gracefully.

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