Bizzare – IOTW Report


I’ve seen this myself. Very strange and entertaining.

Does anyone know what this is? I know, but I’m not telling … until someone guesses correctly.

Update: Thirdtwin wins. Starlings.

48 Comments on Bizzare

  1. One thing I learned during the Dempanic is that european starlings are excellent mimics and are easily trained in captivity to mimic human speech.

    Imagine that. All these years I thought they were just targets.

  2. The Dept. Of Agriculture spent decades and millions of dollars to eradicate native blackbird populations. The starlings quickly filled the void and they are far more damaging, prolific and difficult to get rid of.

  3. Murmuration.
    I get to see one every day i manage to drag myself to work.
    They are pigeons however,on a good day maybe 200 hundred either sitting on the power lines,flying in formation or ganged in the parking lot for people to feed them.
    It’s fascinating to watch them.

  4. What’s equally amazing to me is how they don’t knock each other out of the sky while doing this.

    We have a four-lane road near here with large fields on either side. Starlings will swarm in a field on one side, then fly to the other side at a height of about three feet over the road. When a car comes by, they arc over it like smoke in a wind tunnel.

  5. I’ve seen something very similar, very early in the morning as they were all flying out of the marshlands alongside I-95 near Portsmouth, NH. It was quite impressive to see. Must have been THOUSANDS of them!

  6. Saw something similar to this the other day in town – except they were Brewer’s Blackbirds. They were all in a tree, then they took off swirling and swirling in the area. People were complaining about all the poop on their cars – they were sitting under the tree they were perched in.


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