Black activist says those calling to defund police should offer own zip codes as trial areas – IOTW Report

Black activist says those calling to defund police should offer own zip codes as trial areas

Just The News- Those now calling for defunding police “should demonstrate by example by getting together and offering zip codes and then declaring themselves a police-free zone,” black economic empowerment advocate and community activist Robert Woodson told Just the News. “And then watch how all the criminals will line up to go there.”

Cities nationwide, including Los Angeles and New York City, have contemplated cutting police funding amid violent social unrest and widespread protests demanding an end to police brutality against blacks. The Minneapolis City Council announced it would vote to disband the cities’ police force altogether after the death of George Floyd, an African-American, in Minneapolis police custody last month.

Woodson told Just the News that he was troubled by the disproportionately negative media coverage of police and noted that while Floyd’s death was prominently covered by the media, there was comparatively little media coverage of the death of David Dorn, a retired St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department captain who was killed while reportedly defending a friend’s pawn shop from looters.  read more

7 Comments on Black activist says those calling to defund police should offer own zip codes as trial areas

  1. Defunding the police is all about gaining power. like water in the movie Chinatown, when you make a necessity harder to get, you have more power over people. Imagine democrats deciding which districts the police cover or which crimes they respond to. All due to budget cuts.

  2. Communities just need to make two lists. One for those who want the Police and one for those who don’t want Police. Then when a call comes in for a home burglary or some other emergency they look at what list the caller is on.
    If they’re on the “Police List”, send help.
    If they’re on the “No Police” list simply refer them to their nearest plumber or hair dresser!
    Try that for a month or two and you’ll have yer answer!

  3. Note too the cities where all these riots and looting occurred are all cities that released thousands of criminals via reforms and Covid-19 releases. And some of them like LA and NY have done away with bail and just release criminals back into society and when they don’t show up to their court dates they offer them gift cards and movie tickets to show up. These riots were created by essentially eliminating law and order and letting the criminals run the streets. Studies also show after these events the police stay out of the areas where these events occur and crime against minorities increases greatly. They’ve effectively defunded them.


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