Black Actor Says Blacks Should Pick a Day and All Stay Home To Show How it Would Cripple the Economy – IOTW Report

Black Actor Says Blacks Should Pick a Day and All Stay Home To Show How it Would Cripple the Economy

IJR – Officer-involved shootings over the past several years have given rise to the Black Live Matter movement and a number of protests nationwide. Most recently, protesters took to the streets in Charlotte, North Carolina, following the death of Keith Lamont Scott at the hand of police officers.

But African American actor Isaiah Washington who is best known for his role in ABC’s “Grey’s Anatomy,” proposed a different kind of protest in a Facebook post on Tuesday:

His post reads:

“Imagine if every single African American in the United States that was really fed up with being angry, sad and disgusted, would pick ONE DAY to simply ‘stay at home’ from every single job, work site, sports arena and government office in the United States of America.

I’m very sure that within 72 hours from Wall Street to the NFL…Black Lives Would Matter. September 26, 2016 is THE DAY.

#ItsTime #CanWeDoIt? #ACallToAction #StayAtHomeSeptember262016 #RIPTerenceCrutcher #HandsUpDontShoot #Missing24”

So, he wants to Go Galt.

I’m down with it.

Here, let me get them started :



71 Comments on Black Actor Says Blacks Should Pick a Day and All Stay Home To Show How it Would Cripple the Economy

  1. OMGoodness!!! Tell ya what Sparky, on that day, make it so all of the EBT cards read ERROR too. Lets see which is missed more, all of the blacks not showing at their make work, government jobs or the moaning we’d see at the local Wal-Mart.

    What a maroon!

  2. Last week the Black Panthers were going to BLM the NASCAR Mutant Ninja Turtle 400 at the speedway. Thier argument was that blacks make up $1.3T of the economy, but there are no black drivers in NASCAR.

    The comments for the article were hilarious!

    However, the math didn’t add up. We are about a $19T economy, of which blacks make up about 13%. So real black participation should be more like $2.3T not the $1.3T cited by the Black Panthers.

    Then I saw a zero hedge article on the cost of prisons and then it all clicked. It stated that we spend $1.2T on prisons annually. So when you take $1.3T and add it to $1.2T you get $2.5T which ironically is about 13% of the economy!

  3. Any of them that decide to stay home from work, should be terminated immediately, and replaced with someone who is better at the job.
    I cannot imagine that there are that many black workers who would be stupid enough to do this.
    If they are working at a real job, then they are productive members of society, and therefore, do noy buy all this black LIES matter crap.
    The only ones who would respond to this kind of invite, will be those who barely work, at some made up type of job, and those on welfare.
    How about that?
    If they are on welfare, they should refuse taking the free shit, to show their solidarity with the scummy terrorist group, black LIES matter.
    We all know that will never happen.
    They hate white people, but love getting free shit from other hard working people.

  4. The truth is that if ” every Afritcan American —that was really fed up with being angry, sad and disgusted, would pick ONE DAY to simply ‘stay at home’ …” It would go un-noticed. This fool and his fellow tools are a very small but loud minority. You need the idiot white SJW and the MSM to run cover for them to even be noticed, and then it would still be like a chigger bite on an elephant.

  5. Reminds me of a similar movement a few years ago, was it Mexicans, who were going to boycott work for a day and stay at home and just show us US citizens how much we depended on them. “A Day without Mexicans” or some such. I don’t remember how it turned out but it struck me as a wonderful idea and wondered if somehow we could do it full-time and deport them all. Less traffic, less welfare use, less overcrowded schools and medical offices, … I think it may have flopped b/c someone realized that most citizens would actually see the day as an awesome thing and get ideas.

  6. Never heard of this racist before, and I certainly never saw his moronic show but you can start by deleting ABC from your roster of TV channels. Personally, I never, EVER watch any of the liberal “major networks”. You could remove every channel south of 27, save for News12 on my cable system and I’d never notice.
    When you tune in to these channels you are funding the people who hate you.

  7. Great idea! Stay at home so I don’t have to worry about getting mugged or shot. Stay at home and save our tax dollars. You don’t need to be eating Skittles and Cheetos. You’ll be saving us taxpayers for your medical upkeep. Frankly, I’m tired of standing behind you freeloaders with all your ice cream, lobster and steaks in your basket and paying for it with taxpayer money. It will be a day to celebrate that’s for sure!

  8. ironyCurtain September 26, 2016 at 9:47 am

    Never heard of this racist before, and I certainly never saw his moronic show but you can start by deleting ABC from your roster of TV channels.

    I got banned from ABC website – I must have said something wrong. 🙂

  9. Let’s make a list of who would notice
    The welfare office
    Fried chicken joints
    Rib joints
    Weed sellers
    Rap music sellers
    Peter Sellers
    Hair extension stores
    Cops could stay home

  10. Any of them that decide to stay home from work, should be terminated immediately, and replaced with someone who is better at the job.

    I don’t think you’ve thought this through.

    There are some jobs they are better suited for than any other race.

    Where else are you going to find an Assistant Crack Whore that shows up every day?

  11. You’ve got a point, Loco. I could go to Popeye’s and actually not get the hand-picked smallest pieces chicken they have.

    That’d be a first.

    Oh, wait. Popeye’s wouldn’t be open then. NVM

  12. This is the guy that managed to show his own prejudice colors by calling a fellow actor on the same hit show they were on a Faggot several times and outed him. Then he was arguably one of the marquee stars of Grays Anatomy and got his ass fired for being a asshole. He hasn’t had any meaningful work since. Maybe he just wants some company on the long days he sits at home waiting for the phone to ring.
    As for a campaign to stay home in protest I’d say go ahead. The black Americans that want no part in this BLM extortion bid would go to work as usual while the ones that are the troublemakers would not. Then you, as an employer would know who they are and who to keep an eye on.

  13. A few years back there was a movement for Mexicans to stay home to show how much the U.S. needed them. On that day, in Los Angeles, the traffic was light, the stores were not crowded, you could get medical help almost immediately in a hospital emergency room, the only negative was that lawns were not mowed and pols were not cleaned.

    A day without a coon would be about the same.

  14. Reminds me of the story about the apartment house fire where only the white family on the third floor survived. The mother and father were at work and the kids were in school.

    (apologies to any and all hard working people no matter what their esthetic background who take raising their family responsibilities seriously)

  15. LOLOL. Listen, they tried that in LA with “Day without a Mexican” (in support of illegal aliens) and it backfired big time.
    Traffic flowed freely, arrests were down, people spoke English all day, did I mention traffic flowed freely?

    “Who’s gonna make your burritos?!” Was the battlecry.
    Yeah, um, recipes are available pretty much everywhere.

    “They clean your toilets!” Bull-horned the idiot mayor of LA, Antonio ‘I left my cancer stricken wife for a whore and then the whore dumped me and my cancer free wife wouldn’t take me back so I changed my name’ Villaraigosa.

    Have mercy. Why do all the dumb people have the microphone?

  16. Isaiah is the guy who got fired from a TV show for calling another actor on that show a faggot. Of course, the other actor was a faggot, but I guess that sort of thing is frowned upon so Isaiah lost his gig.

    @ Buck Turgidson – I remember in So Cal when the Illegals stayed home – it was awesome – there was zero traffic on the freeways that day and I think it showed how great commuting would be without them.

  17. A buddies wife works for a major medical provider. She says all the blacks take off for the MLK holiday. All the whites then work the day and the company’s work output for That day DOUBLES. Yeah asshole;Stay Home.

  18. What a maroon!

    13-15% of the population, only about 40% of that percentage actually works. Blip on the radar.

    We’ll be fine.

    NFL, NBA would be filled with replacement players, bringing back the purity of the sport.

    I like it!

  19. I got a better idea.

    How bout on a certain day, all the negroes go to WORK!
    And actually DO some WORK while there?

    How novel!
    How quaint!
    How utterly fantastic!

    izlamo delenda est …

  20. This is why so many stupid people are actors. It the only profession that doesn’t require active brain cells.
    Who is going to miss 13% of the population who are the least productive and one of the smallest work forces in America?
    Of course there are hard working dedicated black workers, but if they stayed home for one day it would have no effect on the economy.
    Washington is quirky, artsy fartsy and weird. He hasn’t had a decent acting job since he went off on the gay guy on the set of Greys Anatomy.
    He needs the publicity. What better way to get Hollyweird’s attention than to side with the radical left.

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