Black Americans Are Seeing Biden For Who He Is – IOTW Report

Black Americans Are Seeing Biden For Who He Is

Be The People News

10 Comments on Black Americans Are Seeing Biden For Who He Is

  1. I like Steve Bannon, but he’s a rough looking guy. Maybe it’s genetics, maybe something different. I’d like to think he’s taking care of himself, but he looks like what I feel like if I had a couple extra glasses of wine.

  2. Bannon’s an ex naval officer. His looks are intentional. He eludes to the idea he’s got a lot going on behind the scene. I hope he’s telling the truth. Next time around Trump will keep guys like this and reject career politicians.

  3. Let’s not try and fool ourselves into thinking blacks are leaving the plantation or waking up. Maybe a handful but it won’t be a movement. Forget the right trying to win anymore than 10% of the black vote. Focus on appealing to whites

  4. As best I can tell, Steve Bannon is looking out for Steve Bannon. Very little of what his “game changing, breaking news”, ever amounts to is diddley squat. Prove me wrong.


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