Black Conservatives Confront Black Morons – IOTW Report

Black Conservatives Confront Black Morons

I wanna hang with this guy–>

27 Comments on Black Conservatives Confront Black Morons

  1. This is what real men look like.
    This is how real men speak.
    These are real men.

    There was a time when we knew who the “real” men were by their words and actions.
    They’re responsible, they don’t let others pay to raise their children.

    Real men can’t be leftist

  2. Most of the black friends I have I met hunting and fishing and to a person they sound like these guys. They are mostly from the Mississippi Delta and sound so much like these guys it is uncanny. They all arrived here by joining the military.

  3. These guys did not succumb to being inculcated by the progressive movement with a sense of inferiority and self hatred. When you get down to brass tacks, that is the difference and it is palpable.

  4. That was awesome. God I hope trump gets a huge slice of the black vote, 20+% would be earth shattering.

    And that dude had biceps bigger than my quads, what the hell does he feed them?

  5. Conservative Jason Riley said their won’t be a productive conversation about race in this country until blacks are able to have that conversation among themselves.

    Not until Trump’s invitation to blacks to look at his platform and examine what he says (“What in the hell do you have to lose”), had we seen the groundswell of black conservatives voicing their opinions in the street. We’ve always had the think tank black conservatives like Sowell, and the black tea party conservatives, like Barbara from Harlem, but not until Trump have we seen the enormous number of black conservatives coming out. Now we have social media and movement luminaries: Candace Owens/Farmer (#Blexit), Diamond and Silk(“Don’t get it twisted”), The Hodge Twins (“Yaay-Uhh”), MAGA Hulk, and so many others who have fnally tipped the scales and are giving black conservatives a platform to speak out and to equip them with the means to start having that conversation within their own families and friends.

    I’m so very encouraged to finally see blacks who have been duped for so long finally discovering what the Democrats really represent and are finally having that conversation among themselves.

    There’s nothing different, actually, about black conservatives asserting their views than there would be for whtie conservatives doing the same within their own families, except that the Democrats have specifically targeted blacks for their votes as a bloc. Historically, since the ’60s, the black vote has been nearly 100% for Democrats.

    It’s exciting to see this progress.

  6. There’s a world of difference between the punks out there destroying things and these guys. Well spoken and clearly with an upbeat spirit and self respect to spare.
    If the dems knew how many guys like these are out there these days they’d take that pill they always carry for emergencies.

  7. I’m a gonna tell ya all one thing for that’s for sure and for certain: It don’t matter what color you are, if you have a black friend who is an unabashed conservative, you have a true friend for life. Someone who will always be there for you.

  8. Conservatives are comfortable in their own skin, which is to say they are stable, confident and reliable.
    Liberals not so much. They are time bombs waiting to go off… either the crazy in them explodes or they wise up, figure out how life works and turn Conservative. In other words they either mutate or evolve, but they are definitely not stable!

  9. Not just because I agree with them but, am I alone in thinking these guys, all of them, simply sound smarter, more rational, and better educated than the morons interviewed at the riots? These guys all seem more like people Iā€™d rather work with than clowns like Pelosi, AOC, Nadler or Schumer..


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