Black Culture is a Mess – IOTW Report

Black Culture is a Mess

What is the answer for this?

Good points are made, but it seems like there are no heroes in the equation.

ht/ JD Hasty

12 Comments on Black Culture is a Mess

  1. One of my sons has a black co-worker who dates only white women. My son respects this guy so he asked him why he only dates white women. He told my son that black women are batshit crazy and nobody in their right mind would have anything to do with them.

  2. For years I’ve said we don’t have a gun problem in this country, we have a culture problem… and it ain’t hard to figure out what culture! But the culture problem goes a lot deeper than just guns. Generations of Welfare and rewarding families with no father have created a protected, untouchable, entitled sub-culture that is the mess that the Marxist Socialist Left envisioned and cultivated with their democRAT plantations. Now that they’ve destroyed the Black family, they’ve set their sights on fucking up the next generation, Black White, Red or Yellow by mainstreaming mental illness with Trans theory cleverly set up as another protected, untouchable class!

  3. ^^^^^In my experience, most white women that I have known are batshit crazy!

  4. Dr Hambone….something similar for me. Black dude I work with told me to not to date black chicks. When I asked him why the only thing he said was that they are extremely violent

  5. Reminds me of my fishing partner who’s Catholic mother married a Jewish man his name was Ira. Ira told me his first wife was a JAP (Jewish American Princess) and his life was a living hell. After she flew off with some other guy he found Sue and lived happily ever after!

  6. The company where I work just hired a black guy, he started a couple of weeks ago. He works under me, but I wasn’t involved in the hiring because I’m a temp. And… he is very dedicated, hard-working, wants to learn everything he needs to know. In fact he has been bugging me this week because I am focused on getting the month’s reporting done (this is crunch week) and he wants more training. He is also Christian, married 25+ years, very nice guy.
    And the punch line: he moved here a couple of years ago from Nigeria. Has been all around the world for business, he and his wife followed his daughter here (she went to college in NC).


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