Black Democrats: Newsom Choose The Wrong Black Democrat – IOTW Report

Black Democrats: Newsom Choose The Wrong Black Democrat


Several leading black Democrats are criticizing California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) for nominating Laphonza Butler of Maryland to fill Dianne Feinstein’s Senate vacancy instead of current Senate candidate Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA). More

23 Comments on Black Democrats: Newsom Choose The Wrong Black Democrat

  1. “Waaaah! Gavin Noisome picked the WRONG black lesbian democrat abortion organization pushing boss who he doesn’t have to pay relo expenses to!”

    “But she’s the only one of those.”


  2. …the problem with Communism and the reason it always has purges is that it is not possible for any man to ever be pure enough for the Revolution, so its participants inevitably fall to eating their own…

    “Like Saturn, the Revolution devours its children.”
    ― Jacques Mallet du Pan

    …or, put another way (Updated for Modern Audiences)…

  3. From Wiki:

    “Laphonza Romanique Butler (born 1978/1979)…”

    WTF. Do we need to see another goofy named, sketchy black person’s birth certificate before handing them the keys?

    I know, I know, it’s probably just the idiot wiki curators scrambling to slap together her bio after Newsom caught them by surprise.

  4. Think of the depth of buy and sell that goes on in the democrat criminal conspiracy… sorry, sorry, I meant democrat party… interwoven complex lines of obligation that must be maintained, all the way up to the Clintoons and their remarkably effective way of eliminating those they find undesirable. Gotta keep those obligations clean and straight, don’t want to have a sudden depression, hang yourself from a tree, then put a twelve gauge to your chest and pull the trigger… twice… thus committing suicide the Arkansas way.

    No sir, pretty boy, sugar tits, Gavin the handsome, the hair gel punk, white Rick James wit da whitey white Gerome curl effect is gonna do what the masters say ought be done. They want a lesbian abortion pimp of the sheboon variety from Maryland, then that’s what they get.


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