Black Guy Just Wasting His Breath Out in St. Louis – IOTW Report

Black Guy Just Wasting His Breath Out in St. Louis

Psst, dude. You’re surrounded by progressivism. You’re a progressive. Maybe, just maybe, the problem is progressivism.

Try conservatism. It’s better than blowing a gasket in your temple. Why do the same thing for decades and deacdes while the problem gets worse and worse?

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video ^

ht/ bad brad


10 Comments on Black Guy Just Wasting His Breath Out in St. Louis

  1. I really think that many, many, many people who are on the dole of some sort or other (or those who belly up to the trough for every kind of tax-payer hand-out) do know why things are the way they are and would never, ever admit they like it just fine. It doesn’t take an economics degree to figure out the trade-offs and I hate to say it, but there is a lot of laziness in this country. A lot.

    So, take your life “off”, phone it in, wait for the monthly check and barter for the rest. There are no middle-income jobs left in this country, anyway. I just purchased an item of clothing made in Bangledesh (sp?)! Last I heard they needed all our money for starving people. Guess things are looking up there.

    Does anyone remember that proud “Look for the union Label” song/commercial? That’s what I remember of America. Now, of course, the unions have priced American made goods out of the world market.

  2. The original post where I found this had a couple white guys saying this dude was a Marine and they served with him. They also posted he was a class act. I wasn’t making a judgement call on whether he was Lib or not. My point was let’s include guys like this in the conversation, not Really Dark Lives Matter. He’s probably historically voted lib. Trump or Cruz should go talk to the man.

  3. Good one, Bad Brad. I agree with you. The guy has identified the problem, yet has no idea progressive ideologies keep these communities on a hampster wheel of self destruction. He’s desperate for solutions. This would be a perfect time to have a discussion with a conservative like Cruz or Carson.

  4. This Alderman said a mouthful of good, but he forgot to add respect and for a race that demands “respect” on an hourly basis, there is a remarkable, complete fcuking lack of it. They need to learn respect for the police, the laws, for each other and the generous country on the planet that they live in and stop blaming Whites for their own self-made problems!

  5. It’s up to the parentS ( plural) of children to form them up to be good people.
    If gov programs replace daddy, this formation will tard this process.
    All the “community” will do is watch ( look and don’t tell) as evil acts are committed.
    This is what you get with tribal thinking.
    Love, especially tough love, is the answer, if child is to grow up with self-respect and discernment.
    How to get that culture to stop thinking tribally? I have NO idea.

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