White men, are you doing your part this Black History Month and donating a portion of your salary to black people? pic.twitter.com/Hgv29JX4OK
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) February 2, 2024
49 Comments on Black History Month- This is What You “Have” To Do, White People
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Already do N. May as well flush it down the john, because in both cases my money goes to swim with turds.
Black America, infinite coast, zero benefit. They may not like Biden, but they still vote for him. They hate you more than they dislike him.
Sooooo… (with some obnoxious hand gestures) if corporations get away with paying only 64% to black women, how come they aren’t in much higher demand? Think of all the savings!
Only 120 more days till Gay Month!!
124 more days till KILLDOZER 20th anniversary.
The shit would hit the fan!
I ultimately donate the stuff they steal from the stores, does that count?
Every year, even before Black History Month was a thing, I’ve offered half my salary to ANY black person who can prove he was enslaved.
I will continue this philanthropic imperative of mine until the day I die.
Meanwhile I seek any Black Studies scholar willing to help me with my petition for reparations since my people were enslaved for 400 years and never got justice.
IOW f*-K off.
This dumb whore is an MD? Some man has already sacrificed a spot in medical school for her affirmitive action low IQ self. That’s enough reparations for her dumbass.
Also, pretty sure white men are already giving black women a portion of their earnings. It’s call income tax and it goes to the black women in the form of welfare.
No, instead I’m setting the prime example of go work for it yourself, chump.
Virtue signaling is no virtue at all.
In other Nlack History . . .
Fani Willis is on videod historical tapes saying . . .
*** Something to the effect . . .
“… I would never date anyone in my Office because I have ethics and it would be innappropriate for a woman of great power to have a relationship with a subordinate in my office . . . (or something to that effect} . . .”
172 Pages of “Something to that effect” responds the Doctor of Love Fani Willis.
This is getting good.
Idiotic Tic-Toc guilt trip BS made by well manicured, attractive, gold chain wearing Racist.
The first black crack whore I see who abandoned her 5 kids, will receive $20, she’ll know what to do.
Geez, give me a break.
blow me, blankers
Who was it that said, ‘teach a man to expect be fed and they’ll keep annoying you to feed them’?
I just did, because I’m sick of a world full of shameless parasites.
Absolutely I did. The checks in the mail. You should wait by your mail box.
Look at your EBT card.
There’s my donation bitches.
Donate?? Why the Hell would I donate to the black cause?
Just look at how they treated all my tax money over the years for schooling, housing and welfare.
You will find they’re not on my ‘donate’ list. 64% of 0 is still 0.
She can’t do math. Shouldn’t it be give 18% of your salary so they’ll be equal?
Also, show me the black female engineer with multiple degrees who specialized in electromagnetics with 40 years of experience who is getting 64% of what I get. I’m not giving my blood money to some unemployed single mother.
My response to her;
I planned well for my retirement, but thanks to dems and their useful idiot grifters like you, I have more going out every month than I have coming in….
so fuck you, you privileged, condescending coont.
With all due respect (which is none). GFY.
Not falling for that again. The last time I gave part of my paycheck to an anonymous woman, it turned out to be part of a police sting and I had a devil of a time convincing the police I was merely engaging in income equality.
i will continue to excrete my contributions every day
I’ve been doing that my whole life. I work, I pay taxes and part (most) of my taxes go to the endless welfare state.
I think I deserve reparations.
blanker-a**holes don’t tell me s**t
i don’t report to blanker-a**holes
For some reason I never hear this fact about black history:
In the period between 1700 or so and 1860, 388k black slaves came to America. By 1860 there were 3 million black slaves. Meanwhile the population of the world merely doubled. Meanwhile there was no growth in population in Africa AT ALL! Those folks were always being killed off by one damn thing or another .. tse tse flies, malaria, tropical viruses, tribal raiding ..
Seems to me every slave that reached the British colonies or the USA was basically a lottery winner .. especially when slaves that went elsewhere in the Americas were basically worked to death harvesting sugar cane.
So doesnt this mean that descendants of slaves owe the US reparations?
i donated all my money to NYC abortion clinics. i want one on every single street corner in the hood…..i have a dream
“And black women, you know what to do?”
What would that be?
Whine about Whitey, consume more donuts, fried chicken, chips, watermelon, twerk, bitch & moan, and burden the healthcare system with your overwhelming gluttony & morbid obesity.
Disgusting pigs & wildebeests…
“…and black women, you know what to do”
What does that mean?
Whore yourself out for cash?
Twerk on ticktock?
avoid the groid
Fuck you, asshole.
I suppose the hundred dollar bills I use to light my cigars could be donated to black people but I’d rather that they continue to serve a useful purpose!
What sucks about this is there *are* liberal women (and ‘men’) that will donate, which entrenches the ‘you owe me’ crowd even more.
I suppose, idiots in the world do have a function – to show what NOT to do. Although to me it seems obvious, so I really don’t need examples of stupid.
Hey cunt, we gave you oppressed cows an extra day this black bullshit month so GFY!
united negro-run states of america? new haiti?
Black History Month? PBS seems to run theirs year round. The people putting commercials out do the same. Sometimes I feel invisible.
You would think that with all the money blacks are making on TV commercials these days they wouldn’t need our money.
Negroes gonna neeg.
The only fund that I will contribute to is a repatriation fund!
The only thing remotely positive about BHM is that at least it’s February, the shortest month.
So a smart manager could save over 35% on labor costs by hiring only black females. I’m sure they’re working on it as I type this.
Just an effort to calm everyone down… There are a whole lot more honkies on welfare than there are negros. But f*ck black history month and all of the other woke history months.
Since RACE is the issue (that YOU brought to the fore), might the one being shaken down be allowed to consider what he might be getting for his contribution? Like how 13% of the population occupies 60% of the prison population? Or how more babies of a particular race are aborted than are born? What YOU might consider is a slavish devotion to ONE political party that perpetually promises yet never delivers, goaded on by race hustlers who’ve sold their soul for a chair at the party table in exchange for selling their constituents to the party plantation. Have a nice day.
They should count their lucky stars they aren’t being shot on sight.
@Crackerbaby, what you say is true. Until you do the math by race percentage of the populace.
…a lot of things can happen to dog s**t…said somebody named eastwood
For a group of people (self identified so not a “them”) who had 50% in the middle class and above over 20 years ago (one generation) a whole lot of “woe is me” flowing.
My buddy’s G-G-G-G-Grandad died at Andersonville prison (along with 13,000 other union soldiers) of disease and starvation. My grandparents emigrated from Norway as small children in the 1880’s. How much do we owe?