Black judge shames ‘proud’ black ringleader who tortured disabled teen with humbling lesson on civil rights – IOTW Report

Black judge shames ‘proud’ black ringleader who tortured disabled teen with humbling lesson on civil rights

BPR: Jordan Hill, the alleged ringleader in the beating of a mentally disabled teenager that was shown on Facebook Live was sentenced to eight years in prison after he pleaded guilty to a hate crime and aggravated kidnapping.

Before being sentenced, Cook County Circuit Judge William Hooks lectured Hill, 20, on how his actions reflect on the fight for civil rights, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

Hill is one of four black defendants charged in the kidnap and torture of a mentally challenged white man. The crime rocked the country as they livestreamed video of the torture on Facebook.

Hill and co-defendant Tesfaye Cooper are seen taunting the terrified teen being held captive in a Chicago apartment. They cut his clothing and his scalp with a knife.

The four suspects are are seen laughing and eating, and apparently getting stoned as they shout phrases like “f**k white people” and “f**k Donald Trump!”

Hooks, who is also black, informed Hill of the end result of his actions.

13 Comments on Black judge shames ‘proud’ black ringleader who tortured disabled teen with humbling lesson on civil rights

  1. If he’s not already affiliated with a gang he better get hooked up immediately on entering the system or he might be looking at some seriously hard times (no pun intended). There might be a few who will take issue with what he did on the outside.

    On another note, one can only hope a welcome home party might greet him when he gets out.

  2. One of the worst things to happen in the past decade is for the law enforcement apparatus to ignore the hate crimes instigated by the so-called “black community.” People know that fair is fair and when it’s not, and too many people have gotten off the hook by the dint of their skin color. It’s not a matter of redressing an imbalance of history.

  3. MJA
    a guy in DC just got 5 years probation for rape … that’s all

    if I’m the judge it’s either death … or castration … perp’s choice

  4. What these four black “youth” commited was a crime – period. We have a constitution that recognizes every crime is based on a disregard for the law, people, property etc.
    As conervatives, it’s not necessary to adopt the leftist doctrine of “Hate crimes” which is socialist identify/class political lingo. It’s meant to virtue signal those of us who know the law applies to everyone equally, which is exactly what the left doesn’t want because they can’t manipulate society through chaos to gain control.

  5. these are godless black trash, just the same as the godless low life white, brown, red, and yellow trash that share the same earth as godly people. their actions seal their fate, unless they change their ways and repent, they are doomed to hell.

  6. An additional pathetic, moronic and yes, heinous situation besides the this contemptible crime is the fact these ignorant perps couldn’t even relate to the achievement of a clearly liberal black judge. To them he is just a sell out “slave” of the white man.
    They’re lives are garbage thanks to the left’s educational policies and idiot, neglective parents.
    They didn’t even understand their actions were criminal in nature or that they are oblivious to the sacrifices of all men who fought for their freedom to live a life of dignity and opportunity.
    They had no clue about their own historical figures, except the marxist, muslim, gay former pResident in Chief – Barry.
    This is indeed a shameful situation all around.

  7. What I attempted to post there: Yes alabaster, it is a REAL shame that someone might lose their job, livelihood or life over the use of a word such as nigger… that being stated, your true color is depicted herewith in your statements. You could possibly be a negro… you might possibly be some insufferable white SJW, the point is, you think you are right…….. you are not.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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