Black Lawmaker Pulled Over For Seatbelt Violation Claims It Only Happened Because He’s Black – IOTW Report

Black Lawmaker Pulled Over For Seatbelt Violation Claims It Only Happened Because He’s Black

North Carolina representative, Cecil Brockman, implies that lawmakers shouldn’t get tickets. If he’s saying he only got his because he’s black, that must mean he thinks all the other lawmakers should be skating.

For that reason alone I’d ticket him.


16 Comments on Black Lawmaker Pulled Over For Seatbelt Violation Claims It Only Happened Because He’s Black

  1. I am beyond sick and tired of BLACKS claiming to be ‘victims’ of America’s laws. If you have so damn much trouble with the laws that apply to ALL AMERICANS then move the fuck to a socialist country of your choice.
    I will even help pay for your one-way ticket.

  2. Obviously not a cracker that gets scrutinized for the same problem.

    I had neighbor awhile back and he went 1/2 mile to the beer store, in an unregistered, uninsured vehicle and got popped by the day cockers.

    He wasn’t wearing his seat belt and he was traumatized by the fact he was pulled over because of it.

    I said he was a dumbass. He said, why?

    I didn’t have a response.

  3. The fact that he used his black privilege to get out of a possible ticket tells me he’s a racist. The fact that he got the ticket tells me he’s not very good at using his black privilege.

    See, I can play that shit as well.

  4. Fines for legislators of all genders and colors should be at least doubled automatically because they are the cretins making these laws in the first place. If you morons in legislatures don’t want to follow the same laws that you’ve seen fit to apply to the average citizen / motorist, don’t make it a law to begin with.

  5. There must have been a white representative that committed the same violation who drove away without a ticket otherwise his claims are unsubstantiated. When he provides footage of the discrepancy surely all charges will be dropped. For reparations the cops can charge the same white guy twice for a crime.

  6. 1. The black man enslaved the black man.

    2. 750,000 Union soldiers (white guys) died just to free the black men from slavery. (Thanks to a later murdered REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT LINCOLN)

    3. In WW2, 5,933,900 jews were murdered….Not told they are free from working on a plantation. I don’t see Jewish folks today holding a grudge against every German they encounter.

    4. So what the fuck do blacks have against the white man again? My theory: they are lazy, stupid, violent, don’t want to work, and use slavery as an excuse to get attention, free money, law suits, and a pass to loot, riot, and steal.

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