Black Leftist Journalist Says His Mission Is To Maintain Objectivity About Obama – Fails Miserably – IOTW Report

Black Leftist Journalist Says His Mission Is To Maintain Objectivity About Obama – Fails Miserably

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Steven W Thrasher whines that he didn’t get nearly enough out of Obama, Obama didn’t deliver for the black and brown, and has largely been a disappointment on many levels, buttttttttttt… he’s black. And that’s enough.

The Guardian – When Obama said to “be confident in your blackness”, I thought that to me, blackness means love – the love of others who live in blackness, the love of those who rebel in black queerness, the love of my father, of Toni Morrison’s Beloved, of Coltrane’s A Love Supreme. Seven years on, it’s hard to reconcile Obama with love; and yet he’s still the first president I have known to say “I love you back”.

Perhaps, then, the love is in the wrestling he makes me do. For the next few months, I will continue to appreciate each week Obama forces me to wrestle intellectually and emotionally with unanswerable questions of American power and black identity.

And when he is gone, I will miss the wrestling terribly.

Or maybe it’s not that Obama is black. Maybe it’s because this gay guy has a crush on the president.

And whether it is politically or psychologically healthy to do so, I have loved President Obama, even as I have known that it’s not healthy and as I have wanted to maintain a certain critical distance since becoming a journalist.

This is journalism?

This is Marcia Brady writing in her diary about Davy Jones. The only difference is the Guardian never paid Marcia Brady to publish her adolescent, schoolgirl-crush musings.


15 Comments on Black Leftist Journalist Says His Mission Is To Maintain Objectivity About Obama – Fails Miserably

  1. Maybe he and Chris Matthews can open a fan club for Obama and have Friday night meetings where they play his tapes, look at his dreamy photos and run tingles up each others legs.

  2. Why does this black guy look white? Like the girls in the West Point photo that’s been going around. I thought that they were white until I read the story. They want to look white but they don’t want you to forget they are black.

  3. Yaknow, I never really gave my “whiteness” much thought all these years. I’ve many accomplishments, set and achieved many goals(failed plenty too) and never once said to myself that my “whiteness” had anything whatsoever to do with it

    But lately giving it some thought, I have to give us white people props. From the Roman Empire to the Magna Carta to the United States, we are one ass kicking race.

    While Asians was slicing off each other’s heads, S Americans were cutting out still beating hearts and Africans still had bones in their noses, we were exploring the world, developing trade routes, going to the moon and inventing all kinds of stuff right down to a computer in our back pockets.

    So you fucking nubians can take your fucking “blackness” and stick it up your collective asses. If it wasn’t for whites, your tribes would still be living in mud huts with your collective IQs of 70-80 and your big invention would be a stick. And if we had had a lick of sense we would have left you just like that because that’s the course your evolution took you.

  4. “When Trump (or whoever) said to “be confident in your whiteness”, I thought that to me, whiteness means love – the love of others who live in whiteness …”

    Doesn’t sound kosher, does it?

    izlamo delenda est …

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