Black Lives Matter – But This Bint’s Does Not – IOTW Report

Black Lives Matter – But This Bint’s Does Not

What a sad person.

54 Comments on Black Lives Matter – But This Bint’s Does Not

  1. Imagine ‘god forbid’, that the crane fell and the ONLY damage done?

    Was to her…broken bone or two of course, just to send a message.

    I don’t want her dead, just in a hospital from being in the middle of the road or better in womyns prison/jail medical ward.

  2. She needs some gummy bears and a juice box just like mommy used to give her before nap time.

    Regarding driver. 2 mph constant. That gives snowflake the realization that big truck will not stop. There is no way I would stop before this tiny bitch. Drop it into neutral for ten seconds and rev to 5500 rpm, then proceed at 2 mph.

    No way I would allow this bitch would stop me.

    Weird. That shit never happens where I live.

  3. The important take away I see is this. There’s no talking to these people. There’s no negotiations with these people. There’s no compromise with these people. There’s only one path forward. And the sooner the better. Disclaimer, I take liberties using the word people. Poor parenting has a price. And it’s about to be paid.

  4. New Boss: “So, Suzie, we’re bringing you onboard to our sales department in our new drive to hire more Millennials to grow the ranks of our future sales force. Your probation assignment is to draw up a plan to persuade Mr. Johnson on the top of your leads sheet to buy our product. What are your ideas to persuade Mr. Johnson to extend his loyalty to our company?”

    Suzie the dumb cunt: “Well, I’m gonna go to his house. Stand in the driveway. Block him from leaving for work. Dance in front of his car. Flip him the bird. And call him a racist until he comes around to our way of thinking.”

    Old Boss: “Get the fuck out now.”

    Suzie the rotten cunt: “Help!… Help!… Rape!… Someone help!… He’s raping me in here!!!”

  5. As noted above:
    1) Terrible parenting
    2) She is damaged goods
    3) P=MxV (Momentum=Mass times Velocity): 2 mph and do not stop
    4) My add on: only thing she accomplished with her dance was to make 10 new Trump voters and she will likely kill herself on 11/4/20.

  6. She’s a nobody, and she knows it. To relieve the pain of that knowledge, she derives a sense of power and importance by abusing others, and she uses anti-racism as the rationalization for her inexcusable behavior.

  7. He should not have called the police, she does not believe in them.

    Instead he should have called the Department of SANITATION to clear the garbage in the way. IF THEY DID NOT? Road kill just might result and THAT cleanup, well.

    Tip: BTW, NEVER open your windows!!! Should this happen to YOU. MOON HER though through the front windshield.


  8. About 17 years ago I had a very liberal girl who was throwing herself at me hard. Even after she found out I was a “staunch Republican” (her words not mine). I could have laid her six ways to sunday but I didn’t because I knew I would be taking on an impossible project. Still look at her public twitter from time to time. Still an insane liberal. Great knobs though.

  9. Nope, once she flipped the finger the horn goes on and I drop it to first and push the RPM’s to 4000. I will ignore any bumps until it is clear to drop it into drive and observe the speed limit.

  10. Drive slowly ahead, the heavier weight and more horsepower wins. My bet is she is too lazy to walk, be shoved, backwards very far, less than a mile. She needs her azz kicked, not kissed.

  11. I can understand the guy not wanting to assault her but when I heard a female in the car with him I got disgusted because SHE could have got out and bitch slapped her so hard her mommy karen would feel it…. but instead they call the po-po and sit there like good little sheeple.

    nothing like a good girl-fight to clear the air!

  12. This happened in Kirkland WA, a well to do suburb on the eastside, across the lake from Seattle. Old money and new money and expensive homes. This was a Trump Train…near Seattle!

    I finally saw my first Biden sign today (Veterans for Biden) with two flags in a median. I’ve been around East King County and Snohomish County this weekend and there are TONS of Culp signs, no Inslee signs. Where there are Culp signs up for awhile – there are now Trump signs too. 🇺🇸❤️😊

  13. The wife and I watched old movie the snake pit. After the movie was over she asked me… what happened to all those places (insane asylums) and I told her, they turned them all out on the streets as registered Democrats.

  14. That kind of stupid-crazy has to be gotten from the education system. People just are not born that stupid, and lacking in common sense.

    At least I’m old, not from that generation and have girls like her mixed in among the possible date-pool. She’s not a one off there are many like her.

  15. Loren Culp had a rally on Friday out in Liberty Lake in the Spokane Valley where hundreds showed up defying Covid orders to hear him speak. I am cautiously optimistic that Loren Culp just might pull off a upset victory over Jay Inslee next month. I believe Inslee has overstayed his welcome as Governor and has pissed off far too many people in Wash. state with his extreme radical positions of governing. But we shall see. GO CULP!

  16. Ya known when your driving down the road and see a greasy spot and think to yourself what was that? The video should remove any doubt as to the spots origin, it was her.


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