“Black Lives Matter, Faggot” – BLM Member – IOTW Report

“Black Lives Matter, Faggot” – BLM Member

The notion that some people think that certain people’s lives matter, unconditionally, tickles me. They don’t. Sorry.

Otherwise, this BLM shitstain wouldn’t have kicked an unconscious man.

To me it’s the same as “Believe All Women” -e xcept women making charges against a lefty.

51 Comments on “Black Lives Matter, Faggot” – BLM Member

  1. It’s a Brave New World, Buttercup. Suck it up.

    Interesting how they all came equipped with their own personal medical packs. Could that be the Soros/DNC Medical Supply Co.?

  2. I think we should stop calling them protests/protesters and just start calling them riots/rioters. Because even if you are just there, peacefully or to lookyloo, 95% are rioters and you, too, will be considered as such. No excuses. And they 100% want to be on TV.

  3. Where are these nifty DARPA crowd control things?
    I want to see the microwave thing in action. The one that makes you think you are on fire.
    That one’s nice.

  4. 1 black life is worth the businesses and livelihoods of tens of thousands of “white” people.

    Hey, Biden! Are folks authentically black if they don’t riot and loot?

  5. Oh, and I think it’s time you ‘faggots’ as he called you, speak up against BLM, too. Proggy gays only get status amongst progs. The rest of you gays don’t. You’re not real to them.
    Just like only ‘certain’ blacks and women are ‘real’ to progs.
    Ask Joe Biden about it. No black, nobody is real unless they vote for him.

  6. “Interesting how they all came equipped with their own personal medical packs.”

    One of Ilhan Omar’s brood was tweeting out the other day requesting supplies for the protesters.

    The fact remains that none of us get to choose our race. We do however, get to choose how we represent it through our behavior. As with all Liberals & Democrats, their representation continues to be severely lacking despite their continued howling directed at the evil wy-pippo. They have no concept of even the simplest of all tenets like the Golden Rule.

  7. “Where are the SWAT teams and armored vehicles? I haven’t seen any> WHY????”

    Because they’re trying to ramp it down. So they bring in reinforcements slowly. Small steps. They’re worried about having a Waco. But in the end when they do show up it’s going to be quick.
    They’ve already done it several times in LA. It was funny because when they surrounded them, they had them sit down 6 feet apart to socially distance them. Because the ‘rona is still out there.

    And lemme tell you, those rioters looked so embarrassed and defeated.

  8. Antifa has medical units. no kidding. They have equipment but no telling if they know what to do with it. lol
    A lot of them don’t know what sex they are, but they for damn sure know how bandages work. Maybe.

  9. “Because they’re trying to ramp it down.”

    With all do respect I don’t think that’s the reason. Libtard elected officials want to see Antifa succeed. Are the cops in New York even armed? There’s video of a NYPD officer that got separated from his pals that’s gone viral where some honest black protesters circle around him and protect him from Antifa. What’s in his hand. Nothing. As terrified as he looked I think I would have had my pistol in my hand.
    There’s one city, I think it L.A.. that’s called in the National Guard but they can’t bring any weapons.
    There’s only one thing that’s going to stop this bull shit and that’s the use of deadly force and every ones to scared to come out and say it. Not even FOX will get close to that third rail. At this rate we would be better off getting the cops and the National Guard out of there and let nature take it’s course. Armed civilians will stop this in a couple days. Look at it this way, how many people has Antifa killed? I think the body counts up to 5. How many Antifa have been killed? I think two. One guy caught himself on fire, the other one was run over by a Fed Ex truck he was trying to climb on while it was moving. They kill themselves more than the good guys do.
    Bottom line is, the effects of the Kung Flu continue with these riots. Which is probably what they’re after.

  10. Chicago, 1968…
    “I have conferred with the superintendent of police this morning and I gave him the following instructions, which I thought were instructions on the night of the fifth that were not carried out. I said to him very emphatically and very definitely that [he should issue an order] immediately and under his signature to shoot to kill any arsonist or anyone with a Molotov cocktail in his hand in Chicago because they’re potential murderers, and to issue a police order to shoot to maim or cripple any arsonists and looters—arsonists to kill and looters to maim and detain.”

    They walked it back and turned it into…

    Police Superintendent James Conlisk
    “Arson, attempted arson, burglary and attempted burglary are forcible felonies. Such force as is necessary, including deadly force, shall be used to prevent the commission of these offenses and to prevent the escape of perpetrators. The commanding officers will insure that the above and General Order 67-14 are continually reviewed at all roll calls effective immediately and continuing through 22 April, 1968.”

    Gained immediate results…

  11. MJA
    “It’s gonna come to an end, but how it does is up to the left, isn’t it?”

    Maybe not. A group of small business men from Minneapolis told their mayor, where in the exact fuck did the find that dildo, that if he couldn’t stop the rioting and looting that they would. Shoot a couple white Trust Fund Babies and leave them bleeding on the street this shit stops now.

  12. “Shoot a couple white Trust Fund Babies and leave them bleeding on the street this shit stops now.”

    Perhaps so. And funny that antifa members have trust fund babies in it, just like OCCUPY did. But I bet the antifa babies are scheduling and promoting and not actually out there.

  13. Sadly, the fix is in, the immorality play is underway…Law enforcement and army are toothless pawns, expendable and they know this. They can be harmed but cannot defend themselves if fatal force is needed they collapse and hide as the rioters are precious, the thugs are noble, the vile are to be coddled…the Law will be punished severely if they harm a criminal so the Left has won the morality play by getting everyone to be immoral. Our country has been taught that to protect yourself, your family and your property is immoral and has instilled fear as shown by Law cowering, Law running and, worst of all, allowing evil to run freely .Me again

  14. I think OCCUPY and ANTIFA are one in the same. And both funded by George Soros. ANTIFA is an interesting crowd to watch. I’m not sure how the tell their “enemies” from themselves sometimes.

  15. MJA
    MAY 31, 2020 AT 1:28 PM
    “Antifa has medical units. no kidding. They have equipment but no telling if they know what to do with it. lol
    A lot of them don’t know what sex they are, but they for damn sure know how bandages work. Maybe.”

    …well, based on what I’ve seen of lefty abilities as FIREFIGHTERS, I suspect their MEDIC skillz are about the same…


    …of course, if you’re starting point on human anatomy is that you think the ONLY differences between male and female bodies are parts you can cut off or stitch on, and you think abortion procedures carry no risk to the ‘mother’, well, I’m not real confident in your abilities to discern a belly bleed and blunt force trauma that may affect the heart, kidneys, liver, etc., or how to identify, let alone DO anything about, a closed head injury but yeah, give a guy a fancy pack with a few bandaids and hemostats that probably have pot resin on here by now, and he’s Doctor frigging Schweitzer…

  16. ” I’m not sure how the tell their “enemies” from themselves sometimes.”

    Oh they can’t! There is video after video of antifa kicking the shit out of each other. One video in particular had a sheMale interfere saying ‘he’s with US!!!” and Boom! S/he got knocked down. And then it became a Mexican “how DARE you!” standoff for about 5 minutes. I got bored.

    And then on another video they were calling each other racist. One black one white. Both in antifa.
    It’s like watching a gang of joe bidens with bike locks.

    Now, with BLM vs Antifa. I know that did cause fights (video) because the blacks wanted to know who the fuck these white boys are, and why they in our biiidness.

  17. Floyd George was probably murdered or perhaps died because a policeman had lost his humanity, so the Left sees a crisis possibility and now we are a nation admitting to systemic racism, police racism, white power everywhere, Capitalism failures , Education failures etc etc…now we must go through thought control processes, embrace Communism, pay reparations, agree that white lives matter less, destroy our history and rewrite it, control our thought and censor the truth etc…So, what is happening now, and every day in America is the wonton and planned destruction of civilization by sociopathic Leftist and the ignorant…Every businessman maimed, every policeman maimed every citizen maimed, every dream destroyed by the Protestors is the result of a Democrat who hates, a Democrat nihilist, a Democrat seeking to gain power so as to control those who discover that he is sub human..

  18. BB^^^^”I think OCCUPY and ANTIFA are one in the same.” Absolutely. Occupy and those rioters who were protesting the G7 meetings way back when, morphed into Antifa

  19. Me again- But if you ask any of these morons they will tell you they just want to overthrow the system. They don’t have any plan to patch it with anything. They just want everything destroyed. Which is retarded, because as soon as one of them gets a gun pointed at them, or gets shot, they call … who? Yeah, the cops. lol.
    They don’t really know what they want, they just know they want to destroy it all.

    These people are who Jim Jones would love to lead.

  20. “There’s one city, I think it L.A.. that’s called in the National Guard but they can’t bring any weapons.”

    That needs to change. Any military person denied the personal weapons they need as means to protect themselves should be given the option of opting in, not out.

  21. I was just thinking, how would you like to be a resident of Minneapolis in the neighbor hood where this occurred. First you have 4 cops that suspiciously murder one of your neighbors right out on the street. Then a bunch of out of towners come in and burn all your shit to the ground.

  22. Street shit is one thing. Their leaders and funders are another. Jeff bezos is the new soros. He should be held accountable – cancel all US contracts with Amazon asap. He should also be sued by victims of the orgs he is funding. Same.with soros. Same with bill gates.

  23. Yeah it’s like brining in tanks and finding out they only shoot confetti. It’s more dangerous for the troops and the local non-thugs.

    But to no one’s surprise, 0bama did similar to our troops in the ME.

  24. Anonymous
    MAY 31, 2020 AT 2:19 PM
    Chicago, 1968…
    “…to shoot to kill any arsonist or anyone with a Molotov cocktail in his hand in Chicago because they’re potential murderers, and to issue a police order to shoot to maim or cripple any arsonists and looters—arsonists to kill and looters to maim and detain.””

    …don’t often agree with a Democrat, especially a Daley, but this is spot-on that you should kill arsonist.

    …but I’m a bit biased because I used to have to put OUT arson fires, and because they’re DELIBERATE, they are FULL of surprises.

    …simply put, my view in arson as a firefighter was that you, the arsonist, were trying to kill ME.

    So you deserve a response in kind….

  25. I thought it was policy not to negotiate with these sub-humans.
    Not protestors, not rioters, not looters; by definition:
    terrorists (plural noun)
    a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
    “Retail stores were hijacked by terrorists” · [my edit]
    bomber · arsonist · incendiary · gunman · assassin · desperado · hijacker · revolutionary · radical · guerrilla · urban guerrilla · subversive · anarchist · freedom fighter · insurrectionist · insurrectionary

    That thing will set you on fire
    and blind you like forever.What they showed
    you was the 95ghz 100,000 watt focused microwave
    beam transmitter turned on like .1 of 100 on the dial….
    If you ever see 1 of these big trucks with panel
    array antennas that turn L/R U/D run the hell away
    from that area!!!

  27. What those thugs did to the guy in that video is reprehensible. No lives matter to mobs.
    This, btw is the result of decades of indoctrination by socialists of black urban dwellers. President Johnson’s dream has come true – a generation of slaves to the State.
    These riots are very much encouraged by progressive elites who are willing to put their own children on a socialist pyre to obtain control. That’s why you see so many Trust fund brats amoung the illegals, felons and hoodrat rioters.

  28. Cops are ineffective due to current rules of engagement.

    If the police took a two week vacation, regular citizens could stop this in short order.

    They have declared war. They even put it on their banners. They have a uniform look to identify themselves as Antifa.

    If you’ve ever wondered about the part of an oath that mentions “enemies foreign and domestic” you’re looking at it now.

    Let us fight back proactively.


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