Black Lives Matter Leader Demands New Constitution or There will be “Bullets” – IOTW Report

Black Lives Matter Leader Demands New Constitution or There will be “Bullets”

So, I guess that means the new constitution will express the right for citizens to bear arms, no?

Social Memo

A “Black Lives Matter” leader has issued a dire warning for the United States: the United States needs a new Constitution or else, he warns, “it will be the bullet” for the US.

Blake Simons, who wrote an article detailing his ideas, is the Deputy Comms Director of “Afrikan Black Coalition.” The name of his piece is “A New Constitution or the Bullet.”

Simons writes, “Our Black Lives Matter protests have stormed the country, yet cops continue to kill us daily, and the judicial system continues to justify our deaths with acquittals, non-indictments, and light sentences-all in the name of upholding the Constitution.”

After months of protesting, Simons explains that he came “to realize that the Constitution is the root of virtually all our problems in America.”

He continues, “The U.S. is a country that was Read more


49 Comments on Black Lives Matter Leader Demands New Constitution or There will be “Bullets”

  1. He doesn’t really look like a “down in the hood” type of black guy. I wonder if he related to that rachel dolezal gal?

    Is anyone going to be close to Roseburg, Oregon on Friday morning? It’s a bit of a drive for me but I might go.

  2. Hmm. I find it strange they always want to threaten us with a gun when their kills vs rounds fired ratio is so poor. Somebody should send him the data for any given week end for Detroit, Chicago or even Smell A.

  3. Ya see? Now that’s the problem. The idea that a person can just show up and then demand fair and equal without any sacrifice or character on their own part is naive and childish.
    It’d seem to me, white people grasp this quickly.
    But the answer then must be for the others, to grasp what made us great. It’s hard work and sacrifice. But no. They want the short fast easy “It’s just not fair” road. And use race to justify it.
    IMHO, they just damn need to step up for themselves, not collectively in mob-like fashion, but as individuals.

  4. Nothing but a friggin mulatto, he doesn’t like that he’s neither black or white but both and full of anti American crap that he was force fed growing up probably privileged in America. Guess what sucker, you guys will lose when you piss off enough rednecks and others who still believe in God, the Constitution and America. Don’t start anything you might regret, after all my ancestors fought a civil war to free you from slavery. Get over it jerk and quit believing everything the democraps have said to you over the past 50 years that you feel you’re owed something just because you’re black.

  5. This used butt wipe wants a new Constitution. Obama, the Demorat Party, and a large percentage of the GOP ignore the existing US Constitution.

    What’s the difference ?

    The only obvious one I see is he is threating to go straight to throwing bullets. The second group wants to disarm the citizens first before throwing bullets.

  6. Here is the issue with people like this individual. He wants other people to fight his revolution for him, while he lounges in Paris sipping lattes and banging French hookers – presumably paid for with his EBT card – taking credit for any success, blaming others for every failure, presumably as a good revolutionary leader should.

    The people he wants to have murdered aren’t going to expect others to step up to the plate. We’re ready for his war. Some of us are probably eager for the killing to start.

  7. Unity in America. The divide is that the Constitution protects the INDIVIDUAL.
    Black, white, legal oriental, legal Mexican.

    Any racism yet?

    The unity this wetwad was is trying to get to is a COLLECTIVE one.

    A unified America under a collective umbrella
    was exactly what our founding father’s fought vehemently against, coming from the tyranny they experienced in mother England.

    But, don’T expect this kid to get it. When he says things like “down with white male patriarchy”, he’s shooting himself in the foot

    Where’s his dad anyway?

  8. On slavery, let’s not forget that there were BLACK slave owners, and that also, when freedom from slavery came, many of the slaves CHOSE to stay where they were at. Obviously they were treated well.
    But the MSM won’T make light of these things.

  9. O.k. – I’ll be politically incorrect. Black lives do not matter. We know the highest rate of abortions is in the black community. We know that particularly in urban areas, most black children are born out of wedlock and raised by single parents. We know that the most violent places in the United States are in predominantly black areas. We know that the percentage of blacks in America is decreasing, and that Democrats intend to further this trend by permitting Hispanics to continue to immigrate here either legally or illegally. We know that the poverty rate for blacks is high, and that blacks are twice as likely as whites to be on welfare.

    As a true progressive, allow me to alert you redneck conservatives as to our proposed solutions to these facts. First, no one can mention these things because that would be racist. Second, any person with a darker skin color that me who wakes up and realizes that we progressives actually want this status quo to continue is an Uncle Tom and a racist. Third, we must stop the movement to defund Planned Parenthood because we need black abortions at a high level. Fourth, we cannot, under any circumstances, allow blacks to even believe that they can have any control over their own lives – we own them. Fifth, any effort to address any of these situations or problems must be quashed immediately.

    Black lives do matter a litte, so long as they continue to vote en mass for Democrats. Other than that – not so much.

  10. The prez has to go to Roseburg……He knows they don’t like him there, but he’s got 300 Somalis in the back of Air Force One he’s gonna drop off…… chocolate drops…. nice gesture from the ONE!!!

  11. “Our Black Lives Matter protests have stormed the country…”/i>

    Oh, yeah. You were gonna “disrupt the Twin-Cities Marathon” this weekend, weren’t you?

    You must have bothered someone further back than 38th place, because my son says he didn’t see you; must have been too early in the morning or something.

  12. Black lives do not matter to me. There is not one black person in this country that I give one whit about. They could all pick up and move to Africa and I would barely take the time to wave goodbye and good riddance!

  13. Nothing new under the sun. I bought into the same communist doctrine 32 years ago in college. Thank God l was set free from that foolishness.
    The guy is a typical suburban leftist tool from central casting, regurgitating a communist diatribe because he likes the sound of his own voice. He would be the first to run if bullets were to start flying.

  14. I wonder if he remembers, or even knows, WHOSE ancestors put HIS ancestors on the boat to America as a slave?
    Hint: it weren’t European whiteys. Try: his ancestor’s fellow black tribal neighbors, and muzzie slave traders.
    If he knew any of his history at all (there’s a ghetto Father’s Day joke in there somewhere), he’d be giving thanks that he wasn’t born and raised in the back bush of Africa, hunting and struggling just to stay alive.

  15. Talks tough.

    Get out your gun, muthahfuckah, and meet the cops, head-on.

    Or – if ya want some easy old white man, grab 4 of your buds (homeys) and trudge on down my driveway wit cho 9s swingin.

    Give me a heads-up that you’re coming, as I may be takin a nap.

    And I’m not a “bad-ass” like most of these guys – just a retired plumber who’s sick of all the bellyachin.

  16. And this friends, is why I believe we’Re heading into the TRIBEulation.
    The battle of individualism and collectivism, and cares not what color a person is.
    Must come to pass.

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