Black Lives Matter (less than a windshield) – IOTW Report

Black Lives Matter (less than a windshield)


Dad Refused To Break Window To Save Toddler Who Died Inside Trapped Car

A father’s one-year-old daughter died trapped inside his vehicle after he refused to break the car window because he couldn’t cover the damage.

Sidney Deal, 27, rejected help from Metro Police officers and his brother, who offered to smash open the window to his new car, claiming the toddler was OK and that the air-conditioner was on. Deal told authorities Monday afternoon (October 5) that he accidentally left his keys inside the running car, but declined assistance from his insurance company because he didn’t agree with the cost.

The father said his daughter, who had been unfastened, was walking around the seats before she lay down on the floor, thinking she’d fallen asleep.

According to the Las Vegas Sun, police believe the baby had been trapped in a “high heat environment” for over an hour. By the time authorities broke open the window to recover her, the toddler was dead and her body had already gone into rigor mortis.

Deal was arrested and taken into the Clark County Detention Center on one count of child abuse or neglect causing substantial bodily harm. He is being held on a $20,000 bond as of Tuesday.

ht/ forcibly deranged

15 Comments on Black Lives Matter (less than a windshield)

  1. Hold the phone. This doesn’t pass the smell test. Cops and brother offered to break a window to rescue the child? Father refuses? They stand down? You use the father’s head to break the window.

    Whatever happened to Slim Jims? A Repo man can get in faster than with a key.

    I don’t buy this chain of events one iota.

  2. Dumb meets dumber

    The stupid police didn’t over rule a man too stupid to save his own baby’s life? And you want to outsource your personal security to this bumbling mob of untrained government ding-a-lings?

    Stick with the Founding Fathers:
    1. 2nd Amendment
    2. Right to defend yourself

    There is a reason why “police” are not in the Constitution.

  3. So……the whole fkng bunch were Didndonuffins?
    Anyone associated with this disgusting debacle should be charged with child endangerment, and the babydaddy should neutered with a rusty spoon, and then, summarily shot.

  4. Have you read the linked story on this? Published by the Las Vegas Sun — apparently for the Las Vegas area — hot! The baby was in the car for about 42 minutes.

    The guy and his girlfriend goofed around for a long, long time before he eventually flagged down police for help.

    Death is a pretty “substantial bodily harm.” His negligence directly resulted in the baby’s death! What is this “substantial bodily harm” business?!

  5. So, I presume these two minorities were arguing over “car keys” horizontally in bed while a mini-minority was roasting to death in a brand new Cadillac. Happens all the time.

  6. …this tragedy would appear to be the direct result OF “Black Lives Matter”, in that the police and onlookers were effectively politically, psychologically prevented from saving a life because it would anger a Black man at a politically sensitive time.

    It was not always this way.

    …We had a Kroger’s across the street from one of our fire houses, and made frequent trips over there for lifesaving essentials like candy bars and Mountain Dew. It was not an uncommon thing on these sorties to find a car berift of any adult presence idling in front of the store with a child or an infant in it, as well as cars not running at all with juvenile occupants in them, too.

    This was very much against State law even WITHOUT occupants, as State law stipulated a car could NOT be left running ANYWHERE unattended. There were also laws in place about leaving children in cars, many of which have only been strenghtened over the years.

    The Police station was just across the street, and we ALL carried window punches becuase car rescue was not unheard of to fire departments, so what we would usually do is keep contact with the child, get ahold of the police (who would respond quickly because it’s a child and we were the ones requesting), and if the child did not appear to be in IMMEDIATE danger await their arrival…but if the child WAS in immediate danger, such as not responive, slow, or alternatively climbing around a running vehicle, we’d pick a window as opposite the child as possible (side windows are MUCH cheaper to replace if that’s your concern, and MUCH easier to break (so NOT usually a windshield), and gain access to the vehicle and child that way.

    The police either way would contact Child Protective Services and have one officer, usually a female (I know, sexist, but very young children ARE sexist and comforted better by a female, take it up with God if you don’t like it), and the wandering owner of the car would usually return to find a MALE officer seated in his vehicle with a busted window, a citation for the specific laws he violated, and a citation to court for the child endangerment.

    But it was a different time.

    Partisan differences weren’t as sharp as they are now, and Democrats were nowhere NEAR as insane. The City WOULD support these actions and pay for any lawsuits out of City insurance, and would back up both it’s Fire AND Police departments to the hilt. They DID, and DO, have a restive Black population in spots, with some Black churches that were even then trying to incite so they could get donations and some VERY high crime areas, but by and large there was no rebellion in the wind, and civic order was the rule of the day for ALL council people, whatever color they were, whatever party they were. So we had very little fear that, as long as we could justfy our actions to them, that we would have any issues that would result in personal liability or arrest while in uniform performing our duties under color of the City.

    Besides that, I and my cohort were trained to error on the side of life.

    There WERE some legally dubious situations. DNRs were just becoming a “thing” then, laws were passed to allow women to drop off unwanted babies at firehouses, property concerns were not non-existent and breaking a plate glass window to access an empty house or business on a neighbor’s say-so or an alarm drop wasn’t considered to be a reasonable activity without some other basis for doing so.

    But when in doubt, the tiebreaker was ALWAYS, “What has the best chance of preventing a death?”.

    I can explain a living person if my duty is to the living.

    I cannot explain a dead person within the scope of my duty.

    And if faced with the choice, as I have been before and will be again, I will do whatever I think is necessary to save a life.

    But that is an ethic from a bygone era.

    Now, based on some things I’ve seen at hospitals and in lawless cities across the land, this does not seem to attain any more. I know I post this WAY too much, but it IS a fact that one nurse in one of the premier hospitals in the Nation would have let my son die rather than break medical protocol while waiting for a doctor’s authorization that never came, had I have not intervened myself in the situation as no more than a concerned parent.

    And I have since found out that this is NOT an uncommon problem.

    But anyway, I still carry a window punch.

    And I will still break your window if you leave your baby inside.

    And if that means we fight, you sue me, I lose my job, or I go to jail, so be it. At least that baby’s blood will not be on MY hands. I would MUCH rather explain breaking your window to a jury than explain a baby’s death I didn’t prevent to the Lord.

    It’s an easy decision to me, and I firmly believe it would be an easy decision for any in my cohort, and I hope it would be an easy descsion for my own son, if put to the test.

    But stories like this would seem to suggest the world has moved on, and to a MUCH worse place…

  7. I totally agree with Ann Thracts but that is the most confusing worst written story I have read in a long time. At one point, it said the police pulled the child out and she was dead, then later it said she was unconscious, then it said rigor mortis had set in. The timeline is way off as well.

  8. As the very first post says “This doesn’t pass the smell test” As 30+ year FF/PM we don’t need to ask your permission. Child locked in a car? Police and Fire are dispatched. I’ve broken into cars to save animals.

  9. I agree with SNS. Police delayed because the black guy wanted to make a phone call and no one wanted the guy’s name on the back of an NFL helmet next Sunday.

  10. #AbiailAdams

    That’s exactly where this Africans name needs to be this Sunday on the back of a Negro Leagues Football helmet along with the quote “Baby Black Lives don’t Matter more than a car window”!


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