Black Lives Matter looks like it’s falling apart – IOTW Report

Black Lives Matter looks like it’s falling apart

American Thinker

By Monica Showalter

After being lionized in the press, and drawing in tens of millions of dollars from giant corporations desperate to prove their bona fides to its racial-grievance bandwagon, Black Lives Matter seems to be falling apart.

That’s a pretty reasonable conclusion to reach, given there don’t seem to be any positive stories about the group coming out in the press anymore.

They’re all tales of scandal, corruption, and exploitation, not surprising in an organization that’s been flooded with such a tidal wave of money and run by “trained Marxists.”  There are a lot of these stories.

It probably started with the mother of Breonna Taylor, a young woman who died in a police shooting, who criticized the organization for its exploitative ways.  That may have surprised some people, but her argument was logical and believable: she said the organization not only did nothing to help the rest of Taylor’s family, but raised millions of dollars for itself through the use of her daughter’s name, while sharing none of its largesse.  Classy.

Then there were the mansions.  Lots of mansions, with internet wags arguing that BLM stood for “buying large mansions.” MORE HERE

11 Comments on Black Lives Matter looks like it’s falling apart

  1. A few fake apologies, some come empty promises, & CNN helping to rebrand the Fraudsters and they will back to buying Beverly Hills houses, Range Rovers, & Cartier.

  2. There are several other groups like BLM
    out there like the new black panthers &
    john brown gun club and several others,all commie BTW,
    At some point they will have to be engaged
    and destroyed.

  3. I read an article about some black chick (probably important to someone but I could give a shit less) wanting reparations in the form of LAND from rich, white people. I suggest she start with Bill Gates, as he has been buying up lots and lots of land. Go knock on his door, bitch!

  4. “25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:

    26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?”
    Matthew 12:25-26


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