Black Lives Matter Supporters Enraged People are Now Focusing on Paris Attacks, Belittle Victims – IOTW Report

Black Lives Matter Supporters Enraged People are Now Focusing on Paris Attacks, Belittle Victims

Members of the Black Lives Matter are angry that the horrible terrorist attacks in Paris tonight has taken away the focus on their movement.

Numerous “BLM” supporters have taken to social media to attack “white people,” claiming that major terrorist attacks like Paris are, in fact, actually taking place in the United States every single day:

Idiots 2

Idiots 3

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Idiots 9

Idiots 8

Idiots 7

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Idiots 10

54 Comments on Black Lives Matter Supporters Enraged People are Now Focusing on Paris Attacks, Belittle Victims

  1. I’m pretty sure about 1,000 black people were killed by other black people in Detroit and Chicago last year alone.
    BLM should go count them. I’ll wait here for the totals.

  2. What a bunch of craven, small spirited, ignorant, willfully stupid, vacuous, cow eyed, ashy kneed, mooching off Grandma, serial unemployed, vapid, no skills having, infantile, petty, grasping, ungracious, loudmouthed bunch of little kids.
    You do not deserve the awesome technology you use to embarrass yourself with.
    Please have your reproductive abilities curtailed. Yours is a gene strain that yellows the pool called the future.

  3. Liberal do-gooders have Zero Tolerance for drugs, including asprin, in schools.
    Liberal do-gooders have Zero Tolerance for any alcohol level and driving.
    Liberal do-gooders have Zero Tolerance for “micro-aggression”.
    Liberal do-gooders have Zero Tolerance for harassment and bullying in the workplace.
    So where is their precious “Zero Tolerance” for Terrorism? Hmmmmm??? Something tells me we need zero tolerance for muslim cave-men!

  4. Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me!

  5. It’s weird these people hate white people but have no problem living off
    White taxes.
    I would imagine it would be impossible to explain to most blacks on welfare
    Why the money they receive is from the devil white man.

  6. Just think-these whining cowardly sissies will probably be telling their grandchildren that they were brave fighters for equality-and therefore they were the greatest generation!

  7. This is no surprise. If you look at media coverage of every black riot, ie Ferguson, Boston, Maryland ISIS members are there inciting violence and brandishing their flag. Why is the press ignoring this fact?

  8. That’s right, parasitic knee grows. Analogous to the way Blag Libes Madda boogs chimp out with their “looks at muh” and “dindoo nuffin” and “gibs muh dat” crap when a cop relieves society of some gorilla-skulled, criminal Homie africanus, we HUMANS take notice when some of OUR species are slaughtered by feral, diaperheaded abominations that have no business being near civilization in the first place.

    What’s this “genocide” crap? There are far more negroid killings by the paws of other negroids every day than there were in the last year by human law officers, but Blap Lies Madda can’t guilt YT into shelling out any gibs from those. So basically those DON’T warrant attention. It’s only when a HUMAN puts down a violent, drugged-out beast that the loss of the poor, oppressed negroid’s life seems to matter enough to disrupt peace and civility over it.

    Now just shut your rubber lips and go back to sitting in front of 7-11s and quietly, peacefully sticking your stinking paws out toward Bwana like your babydaddy’s babydaddy’s babydaddy used to do. You’ll still be a blight on civilization but you won’t ruin it quite as quickly.

    Gee, does that sound all rayciss an’ sheeit? HaHaHaHaHa!

  9. I only hate blacks who believe in “white priviledge” and that because of white privilegde I owe part of my income to “equalize” things.

    I have a black friend that works hard and has never let his family take a dime of welfare and he told me the secret to becoming an indepent self sufficient black man. Your gonna love this……

    “Avoid blacks and black culture because it will destroy your desire to be a real man.”

    …and yes …. He drills this into his kids heads and does not let them associate with most of his relatives.

    Now that is a man…. And how a man behaves.

  10. Your post is reasonable and logical. I could have written that.

    One would assume you didn’t post as “Tobias” above.

    If it was you, you may have multiple personality disorder or something akin to it.

  11. To Dad of 4,

    Sure, THAT explains it…the Black population in this country who are WAY over-represented in violent criminality, abortions, black-on-BLACK murders, school drop-outs, ruined blighted neighborhoods, welfare handouts, and Affirmative Action policies are having a temper tantrum because white Americans dare express sympathy toward the slaughter of our European brethren. Yet when whites are less than sympathetic toward your ignorant, hypocritical, unwarranted, ungrateful nonsense, it’s because we “hate blacks” and hang out on Stormfront.

    Sure. That explains it.

    How about this: Let’s give your 12% of the population your own “Ethnostate” right here in the USA to run as you please. You can have Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. No whites allowed to live there. You can be completely self-sufficient, have your own school systems, police force, political leaders, etc. A completely “Oppression-Free Safe Space”. But you CAN’T rely on white tax-dollars to exist. If you’re so “equal”, that shouldn’t be a problem, right?

    I give it three weeks before the entire area looks like Zimbabwe.

    It’s been over 150 years since WHITES ended slavery (which has existed since the beginning of time in one form or another). It’s been 50 years since the Civil Rights Act. You’ve had PLENTY of time to succeed. With YOUR OWN sovereign ethnostate, you will be unable to blame whitey for “micro-aggressions”, “institutionalized racism”, or “oppression”, which you enjoy doing so much today.

    What new excuses will you come up with to blame others for the inevitable failure of your own ethnostate? We all know it will fail, so let’s not pretend otherwise. Whose fault will it be then? Whiteys surfing Stormfront? White people “hating blacks”, even though none will live there, none will police you, none will be around to “oppress” you?

    Your ridiculous name-calling and constant projection of your own collective failure is pathetic. And forgive us if we don’t exactly have “warm fuzzy” feelings for a population that disproportionately lives off our tax dollars, aborts their children, populates our prisons, ambushes and beats defenseless people like it’s a hilarious game, makes our formerly-great cities uninhabitable, and has evil, violent intentions toward us in general. Then has the audacity and ignorance to blame US for it.

    White America owes you NOTHING.

  12. Hating “blacks” and their greedy, grasping, lying, dope and alcohol confused “culture” isn’t the same as “racism” which is a belief in the INHERENT superiority of one race over the others.

    Inherent: Fixed: Immutable:

    Not because of some “cultural” phenomena.

    One can hate “blacks” and what they’ve allowed the socialists to sell them, but that’s a far cry from racism which demands – DEMANDS – eradication or physical constraint.

  13. Awww ,isn’t that cute they have a white woman in the ad on the bottom with some black underprivileged “chillins”.

    Anyway… as Confucius once said, you can’t take the jump out of the frog, the bark out of the dog, or the nig out of the nog.

  14. All these people supporting black lives matter yet all of their comments and thoughts are more racist than the next. How can you stand for something and fight with the same evil your against? Black lives matter supporters probably wish it was all African Americans who perished in the attack so they could make it a race thing. Assholes..

  15. Most of you are to pussy to even let yourselves been known. You hide behind alias names. I guarantee none of you have the balls to go in to the streets and make these comments. I’m in Chicago, come see me so I can stomp your ears together like the monkey I am. Bitchass cowards! !

  16. It’s *TOO* pussy, you idiot! Even when you doo-doo skin motherfuckers talk shit, your idiocy still manages to shine through.
    We’re too pussy, huh? We hide behind alias names, huh? That’s pretty rich coming from “Anonymous.” LOL We’re too scared to come into the streets, huh? You obviously aren’t a student of history. The last time white people went into the streets, a lot of dindus ended up swinging from utility poles, trees, and streetlights. In other words, be careful what you ask for Chim-Chim. Remember, we outnumber you. We own the gun and ammo factories. We make the weapons. We have the technology. God help you when the day comes when whites decide that they’ve had enough. That day seems to be coming pretty soon. Since you’re such a brave badass, why don’t you go ahead and post your name, address, and phone number. That way we can come to ShitCongo and get our ears stomped together! Now shut the fuck up and go back to your food desert, you punk-ass low IQ fried chicken enthusiast!!

  17. There goes the Dindu’s inferior nature shining through yet once
    again ! But we whiteys understand completely why you worthless
    niggers always have to resort to violence to get your point across,
    because you can’t speak it or understand the scope of how the
    world works. Why, because most of you don’t work, period.

    You lack the cognitive skills to do what WE do. Always have,
    always will.

    Fuck all you pussy coward ass niggers. Nobody likes you people.

    Nah, we don’t want to go to your 3rd world ghetto you created in
    CHITcongo. Why would we ? I can save the time and money and
    just go to my local zoo where I can watch your cousins in their
    natural habitat. Give the monkeys some guns and they’ll be just
    like you useless degenerate tools in CHITcongo.

    Get a fucking clue you lame duck nigga. We see enough of you
    stupid fucks in our own neighborhoods, daily. No matter where
    you go in Amurka, or ANYWHERE in the world for that matter,
    you shines are the same across the globe. The EXACT same.
    WORTHLESS. FUCKING. LOSERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now get cho’ ass back in the ebt line waiting for a hand out…..


  18. And yeah, we know YOU PPL in CHITcongo. It’s exactly why
    CHITcongo looks the way it does. It’s why CHITcongo is in the
    top ten list of the most dangerous cities in Amurka. It’s because
    loser niggers like you live there. Man, you degenerates are truly
    one fucked up feces species. You know God made you worthless
    tribal beasts black for a reason. You are color coded to warn us
    that danger in the world exists. YOU are that DANGER to the
    civilized world, just like we see your cousins in PARIS doing what
    they do. Killing REAL people doing something REAL with their lives. Unlike you worthless fucks. I personally never knew I could
    dislike something as deep as I do, but you niggers gave me every
    reason in the book to dislike you animals more than anything in
    the world. I owe you black bastards one thing. Figure it out for
    yourself. FUCK OFF !!!! Stay away from my people. They don’t
    want anything to do with you LOSERS. Any questions ????

    And please, don’t tell me to come meet you in CHITcongo.

    I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard the same thing from you
    inferior rats. Hell, I know you aren’t that brain dead where you don’t see YT running from you hood rats in every city you invade.
    You are the cancer of the world. We know your cancer is terminal,
    it cannot be healed. But absolutely no worries whatsoever.

    YT knows you low life beasts can’t live with us, and you surely
    can’t live without us. You pick as you do on a daily basis.
    YT will keep on running from you fuckers. You fuckers will ALWAYS come in last place. Nature itself made it that way.
    Don’t blame us for your place in life, blame nature !!!!!!!!

  19. Hey BOY, check out the best website on the net if you really want
    to get a glimpse of the negro in it’s lowest denominator form, as
    if you don’t already know, IT’S YOU !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid useless niggers !

    Why is it that the only thing you ppl can build is always something
    negative and absolutely nothing positive ? What do you ppl
    contribute that actually has any value, outside of the stupid
    retarded sports arena ? NOTHING! Absolutely fucking NOTHING !!

    UGH……………………. just do us YT’s a favor. LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE !! God DAMN !! All you worthless cretins deserve
    to be right back in “da muddaland” as far away from the civilized
    world as possible.


  20. Speak on it Tobias, even though we know the mud monsters can’t handle the truth, even with a 500 foot stick,
    which is basically how far away we always want to keep
    away from these worthless degenerate Bantu’s.

    This is inferior infidels. You’ve probably seen my name on
    OUR other site we visit so frequently, sbpdl 🙂

  21. I partially agree with your comment, but the negroes are
    killing negroes in many more cities than the ones you listed. The cities you listed are just a couple to name a few.
    But it’s happening all over Amurka. Bodymore, Murdaland,
    Killadelphia, PA, APElanta, GA, and Cleavewood, OH are
    just a few more to add to the collection of liberal democrap
    ran cities that are currently being run into the ground by
    these filthy sub-human parasites…. Knowutimsayincuz ??!?

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