Black Man Tells All Black Audience at Convention That Their Chances of a Revolution are Remote Because They Don’t Have Survival Skills – IOTW Report

Black Man Tells All Black Audience at Convention That Their Chances of a Revolution are Remote Because They Don’t Have Survival Skills

Killer Mike starts his rant by asking the audience to raise their hands if they fish. Then he asks if they hunt. Then he asks if they farm. When a paltry amount raise their hands he says, “you aren’t ready to revolt sh*t.”

The audience turns on him as he sheds a little wisdom upon them. He says that without self-sufficient survival skills, and being beholden to the system (welfare), where is attacking their slave masters going to get them?

He says he’s not about to allow them to order their children into the street to be slaughtered by the police, who have superior tactical training, while they stay at home hoping the resulting death will somehow improve their lives.

He said he’s raising his kids to be warriors (to hunt, fish and farm) and use their heads to survive. Anything else and they would simply be as “gentrified into the system” as anyone else, with little place to go other than the very people they are revolting against.

By the end of his rant he’s shouting to be heard because the boos were so loud.

Must see.

ht/ rob e.


28 Comments on Black Man Tells All Black Audience at Convention That Their Chances of a Revolution are Remote Because They Don’t Have Survival Skills

  1. He should have added that they are killing their babies in record numbers with abortion, they are killing their youth in the streets of major cities run by black politicians.

  2. In order to teach your kids to hunt, fish, and farm, you got to be with your kids as much as you can. Sure you have to work for a living 8 to 10 hours a day but you got to find the time for those swim meets, soccer practices, hockey, cutting the lawn, shopping, paying bills…………….
    Oh I’m sorry, Killer Mike woren’t talking ’bout that shit That is white shit. Fuck Killer Mike. He’s an asshole. Amazing how these stupid bastards never want to listen to a man like Ben Carson, Alan West. Colin Powell: they never read Shelby Steele, Tom Sowell, Condi Rice. They, along with the Gays in NYC want to shut down the
    Rev. James D. Manning’s ATLAH World Missionary Church in Harlem, NYC because he speaks about the deterioration of the black family under democrat rule for the past 50 years. The gays in NYC want to shut him down because he “insulted” them .
    If you want to send a few bucks to the good Reverend, which I do on occasion, please do. He will tell you what he is up against.
    Atlah,38 West 123rd Street, Ny, Ny, 10027

  3. Would they take a job if it were offered today? Practice working for a living — people will hire you if you don’t bitch and gripe about how the world owes you everything.

    Get that easy skill down first. Work, don’t steal.

  4. Moe Tom: I agree. I can’t decide who is more stupid, Killer Mike or his audience. How about adopting whitey’s values and becoming a productive member of society? That would be truly revolutionary.

  5. While a few boos cropped up in the middle, the majority of reaction was one of support for what he said.

    And if hunting, fishing, farming, educating your progeny, becoming self-sufficient and independent of others isn’t adopting “whitey’s values”, what is?

    Thing is, once they actually accomplish that, they won’t have many people to hate since they won’t be dragging everyone else down and actually be contributors to themselves and society.

    They’ll be too busy taking care of their business to be causing others problems.

    They’ll have no one else to blame at that point and all their answers will be in the mirror.

  6. Q: How do you starve a black man?
    A: Hide his EBT card under his work boots

    But, seriously. Learning survival skill is all well and good, but the fact is that the average IQ of American blacks is 85. Good luck with that whole revolution thing when 1 out of 5 of y’all’s soldiers are borderline retarded.

  7. If they follow his advice they will be too busy to protest, loot, and cause trouble in general. If so then they will be just working tax paying citizens like the rest of us…problem solved.

  8. Um, it would have been fun to sue them for having an all black convention as that is obviously racist. Anyway, This fat Mike character is probably on government handouts to some degree or another (you don’t get that fat on doing your own hunting unless you’re eating other people) or has some government job mentoring young black kids in the ways of evil whitey. Oh what the hell, let’s have the revolution now and settle this thing. Liberia needs another load of immigrants and I’m sure there lots of rich farmland for the urban thugs to till.

  9. So what’s his point? Sure beats the shit out of me. Teach your kids to hunt or fish so when you “revolt”(by not paying your speeding ticket?-why did he keep going there?) you will still be able to eat? That’s preposterous.

    Inadvertently he makes the point that large numbers of young blacks are disaffected because they are fatherless. That’s right, because they are fatherless.

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