Black Man Who Was Martyred By Media Admits He Had a Knife When Shot By Police – IOTW Report

Black Man Who Was Martyred By Media Admits He Had a Knife When Shot By Police


Fact check: Jacob Blake did not ‘brandish’ knife, get gun before Kenosha police shooting


In his first television interview since being shot in the back by police, Jacob Blake admitted that he not only had a knife in his possession at the time of the shooting, but also “dropped” it before picking it up again.

“I realized I had dropped my knife, had a little pocket knife. So I picked it up after I got off of him because they tased me and I fell on top of him,” Blake told Michael Strahan in an interview that aired Thursday on ABC’s Good Morning America (GMA).

An August 28 USA Today “fact check” titled “Jacob Blake did not ‘brandish’ knife, get gun before Kenosha police shooting” argued that “Blake was not ‘brandishing’ anything in the video taken by bystanders,” even as it noted that the clip “shows something in Blake’s hand, but the resolution is low, so it could be a knife.”

But rather than issue a correction or a retraction on January 5, PolitiFact merely updated the post with an editor’s note stating that prosecutors had revealed “Blake was armed with a ‘razor blade-type knife’ when he was shot by police.”

The explanation? “That does not affect the rating for this item because ratings are based on what is known at the time.” In other words, it used to be true.

6 Comments on Black Man Who Was Martyred By Media Admits He Had a Knife When Shot By Police

  1. There is a weekly magazine that is free here in Las Vegas.
    Last October, the week before the election it had tombstones on the cover.
    Jacob Blake was one of them along with meth O’D George Floyd and drug-dealing bre-bre Taylor.
    One problem, the little bitch Blake, sadly, survived.

  2. Given all the Fake and Fictitious News used to incite the public….
    One can no longer to wonder if it was accidental or PLANTED by the Media and Social-Media.

    We already know that Social-Media is bending over backwards in yoga positions yet documented, to get access to 900 Million CCP users. The CCP market revenue should be in the Billions alone, selling the data back to the CCP to monitor & control its own people


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