Black Model Fired For Being a Conservative – IOTW Report

Black Model Fired For Being a Conservative


Remember when the left pretended to stand for diversity, acceptance, and inclusiveness? It looks like those days are long over.

A young black woman has reportedly been released from her professional modeling contract — and called a “racist” — for one reason: She went to a conservative event at the White House.

On Saturday, African American activist Candace Owens released an email that was shared with her. It appears to show a demeaning email sent to Zoe Bethel from a modeling agency, basically telling her she’s fired for being a conservative.

“This is ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIC,” wrote Owens, who helped organize the Young Black Leadership Summit. That group recently met with the president in Washington, and video of the enthusiastic young crowd got attention online.

“Hey Zoe, The team has been talking about your political racist connections and we have decided to release you from your contract,” the email from an Ursula Wiedmann condescendingly begins.

“We are an agency based on love acceptance and inclusiveness and your current public persona is not relative to our brand,” the email continues.


18 Comments on Black Model Fired For Being a Conservative

  1. She’s an attractive female and that means she’ll never fit into that crowd. On top of that she’s probably a happy and well adjusted person, another no no.
    She doesn’t have much going for her to put her in good stead with that gaggle of carping malcontents.

  2. love acceptance and inclusiveness….that’s why we hate you and don’t accept you.

    It’s almost as crazy as Don Lemon saying all white men are terrorists, then has a white male gay lover. IDK, maybe that guy is terrorizing that ass!

  3. A good atty should be able to bust that agency down to a desk, a phone and a wastepaper basket. All proceeds, after atty’s fees, to be deposited in the wrongfully terminated, EEO employee’s bank account. I know just the guy who can make her rich, too. Watched him do it to several companies who made this mistake.

  4. The article links to the agency’s facebook page which has been taken down. I suspect they are beginning to feel the backlash from conservative Americans who are feed up with this nonsense.

  5. If she has her termination in an email or some other documentation she has a chance at a wrongful termination law suit. The agency that she worked for is in Atlanta. Georgia is a right to work state so the deck is stacked against her.

  6. I’ve read Henry Ford had a fondness for cars painted many diverse colors. And wanted people to have a car in the color they preferred. Henry said people could buy a model-t in any color they liked – as long as it was black.

    Some people don’t back their words up with matching actions.

  7. SOS Dean Acheson once called Lyndon Johnson “a real centaur: Part man, and part horse’s ass!”
    Let me amplify that referring to LARRY THE LIBTARD: LARRY is 1/8 man and 7/8 horse’s ass.

  8. Tom my poor old mother all the way up to her death last year at the age of 95 the only time I ever heard her cuss was in relation to hearing the name Lyndon Johnson, or Robert McNamara!


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