Black Panther Setting Box Office Records and Depicts 163 Shootings in 2 Hours – IOTW Report

Black Panther Setting Box Office Records and Depicts 163 Shootings in 2 Hours


Lupita Nyong’o, who played Black Panther’s love interest Nakia, advocated for gun control in the wake of the Orlando shooting. The actress posted a long message on Instagram, saying “most importantly, we simply need to put down the guns!” 

But not in the movies.

Black Panther set box office records on its way to becoming “a watershed in cultural history of African Americans,” wrote The Miami Herald’s Leonard Pitts Jr. Yet, the movie was typical Hollywood – filled with violence, including 163 shootings, while Marvel stars call for gun control.


ht/ annie

25 Comments on Black Panther Setting Box Office Records and Depicts 163 Shootings in 2 Hours

  1. The democrat plantation Black Panther reviews are in:

    “Told ya, they gonna put ya’ll BACK in chain…theaters” Joe Biden

    “Being 1/32nd Wakandan, I could not be more proud of my African heritage” Elizabeth Warren

    “I aint no waze tiired of this film. Two hot-sauce packs up!”
    Hillary Clinton

    “Three words…bald black babes…two cigars up! Bill Clinton

    “I actually carried Wakanda in the 2000 election before the Supreme Court gave it to Bush.” Al Gore

    “They showed my true African-American heritage as a proud black African-American African-African.” Rachel Dolezal

    “Uh…um…obviously a composite of my life growing up in Kenya.”
    Barack Hussein Obama

    “If their intent was a fantastic film, they succeded. However, I don’t judge intent.” James Comey

    “I’m taking my entire team of 200+ lawyers/Hillary donors to a theatre on the taxpayer’s unlimited dime.” Robert Mueller

    “The great thing about Wakanda being a monarchy…no Russian collusion.” Adam Schiff

    “More blacks died in Chicago this weekend than in Wakanda all of last year.” Donald J. Trump

    “I didn’t see it but we need more black films in America.” Jimmy Kimmel

    “Even though blacks were talking throughout the entire screening, it was second to none, like me.” Bernie Sanders

    “You have to watch this film to find out what’s in it.” Nancy Pelosi

    “Obviously filmed on location with tax breaks for the rich.”
    Chuck U. Schumer

    “Who knew blacks were this smart and talented? Did I mention that Trump is a racist?” Stephen Colbert

    “#OscarsSoBlack2019…Whites need not apply.”
    Motion Picture Academy of America

  2. Things I learned while watching Black Panther.

    It is possible to adapt an alleged racially insensitive character like Man Ape.

    Access to a natural resource automatically bestows the technological know-how to unlock its full potential.

    It’s okay for Wakanda to exploit natural resources.

    Wakanda has concealed carry.

    Wakanda doesn’t have something like OSHA.

    There are no concerns for concussions in Wakandan sporting events.

    Wakandan statues remain standing even though Wakanda ignored Idi Amin and Adolph Hitler.

    Wakanda culturally reappropriating Her Majety’s Secret Service is okay.

    The words “border” and “barrier” are not mutually exclusive terms.

    You still want to be buried in the ocean with your ancestors that jumped ship to escape servitude even when you’re a direct descendant of the throne.

    It is murder when a king executes a traitor for treason.

    Most male Avengers have daddy issues.

    Wakandan women hate fake hair.

    Rhinos are big dogs.

    There is graffiti in Wakanda.

    You take your glass eye with you to the afterlife.

  3. Nearly one and one half shootings per minute ?
    And the Communist gun control left does not object ?
    So much for the gun grabbers.
    So much for the American Communist Party
    Who call themselves

  4. Thanks Jethro.
    Yes, I penned those earlier today.

    Moochelle praised the movie so I figured I would come up with realistic quotes.
    Let’s face it, you can’t make up liberal idiocy.

    BTW, Moochelle is finally proud of a movie for the first time since Jackie Brown…

  5. What’s with all the breathless claims about blacks getting their first fictional black superhero?!

    Have they forgotten the multi-talented, oh-so capable, Barry Hussein Soetoro? And his sidekick, Mooch?

  6. Not one red cent of the record box office came from me I’m proud to say.
    That makes me even more of a racist than I was just for being white, but I’m also proud to say I couldn’t care less.

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