Black pastors forced to defend prison reform meeting with President Trump – IOTW Report

Black pastors forced to defend prison reform meeting with President Trump


AT: President Trump invited a group of black pastors to the White House for  a meeting on prison reform. According to one of the pastors, this was the second meeting to discuss this issue. Pastor Darrell Scott, the CEO Urban Revitalization Coalition for the Trump Administration, had a leadership role in scheduling the meetings.

The portion of the meeting that was televised set off a political storm. The black pastors that were seen sitting around the table with President Trump were viciously verbally attacked by other liberal black clergy, liberal journalists and their own congregants. These black pastors experienced such a backlash until they were forced to  defend meeting with the President of the United States.

Sitting next to President Trump, Pastor John Gray, the head of Relentless Church in Greenville, was asked by the President to pray before the meeting. The criticism that he received from his own congregants was so fierce that he issued a long statement on his meeting with Trump on social media:

Optics. It’s never about what it is. It’s about what it looks like. My wife told me “If you go, no one will hear what you say. They won’t understand why you’re there. And any good that could come out of it will get lost in translation.” Wise words from a loving, discerning wife. I had not one thing to gain by being there. Not. One. But I asked the Lord when I was asked to be present in this initial meeting about potential prison reform-that could greatly end up benefitting many people who look just like me-Lord, Do you want me in that room? My first mind was no. The pain of so many is too real. The hurt. The isolation. The sense of disenfranchisement. The real hate that has bubbled to the surface of the national discourse. I myself have been vocal about my personal disagreements with key policy decisions of this administration. I have everything to lose. Credibility. Reputation. Every natural inclination says stay home. Don’t get played. But I did the one thing I can’t shake: I prayed again and asked God. Do you want me in that room? My attendance gives the answer. My heart was pure as was my motive and intention. But the pain of those who have been hurt is real. And I would be a dishonorable man not to acknowledge that. But I will honor what I believe was the mandate on my life to be there and available to God should He choose to give me voice. This post is in no way attempting to invalidate the visceral reaction of those who can’t imagine why I would be in the room. The question becomes who did Jesus turn away from? This said, I went to this meeting to listen. And I do pray for comprehensive prison reform so people can have the second chance they need. And I also understand the pain and questions. May my heart translate beyond the optics. (OH YEAH, the pastor who said the current president was the most pro-Black president ever WAS NOT ME-so get that STRAIGHT) love y’all.

Referencing his statement, I have a few questions for Pastor Gray. Why would meeting and being seen sitting next to the President of the United States be bad optics? Why would your congregants not understand why you were there when it was clearly stated that it was a meeting on Prison Reform?

What exactly are the Trump administration’s  policies that has caused pain, hurt, isolation and disenfranchisement to your congregants?

And finally, why would you lose your honor, reputation and credibility by meeting and being seen with the President of the United States?

It appears that Pastor Gray himself has played a role in how his congregants view President Trump. Are we to believe that he is not somewhat responsible for the lies and distortion about the president? He claims that he prayed and God told him to meet with the president. If God did indeed tell him to meet with President Trump, why would he feel the needed to justify it to anyone else, including going on CNN and defending  the meeting to Don Lemon?  more

20 Comments on Black pastors forced to defend prison reform meeting with President Trump

  1. The guys that actually seem to be looking for solutions are bombarded by the crazies.
    The system can’t be too tough on the black population considering the body count on the city streets across the states.

  2. Again, we have another apologist for all the blacks in prison. They are there because they broke the law. In many, if not most cases, they were convicted by a jury of their peers (I.e. more black people). The myth that we are a racist country that likes to send innocent black people to prison is perpetuated by black pastors like this dolt

  3. If God did indeed tell him to meet with President Trump, why would he feel the needed to justify it to anyone else, including going on CNN and defending the meeting to Don Lemon?

    Because maybe, just maybe, he accepts that TDS is a real thing and that in meeting with the president and issuing a semi-appeasing statement he saw an opportunity to treat the disease. I hope that this is the case, but I must admit it is a faint hope.

  4. If there had been social media in Jesus’s time, we may not have had Christianity. “Hey Jesus, what’s this turn the other cheek?” #whatapussy. “Jesus hanging around tax collectors; racist sellout.” #bigbucksforChrist. “Impeach No. 1, Impeach No. 1.” #crazymaxinimus. “Kill all male Samaritans.” #SarahJeongAsianBigot. Christ would be tempted to say “screw this, it’s easier just to call down a giant meteor. Ciao.”

    Trump knew who these folks were, and still held a meeting on prison reform with these invitees. If these pastors truly want prison reform, why not meet with the most powerful human being in the free world? These pastors admit that Obama never bothered to do this, but their “enemy” Trump did. Liberals are more worried about Trump continuing to “win” by accomplishing things than helping the people they pretend to care about.

  5. Pastor Gray: Look at the Bureau Of Justice Statistics crime tallies.

    Look at Zimbabwe and, now, South Africa.

    Consider that the term “self-cleaning” oven may apply to more than kitchen appliances…

  6. I noted that he (and most of the others) were wearing VERY expensive suits and had enormous, expensive wrist watches.

    Don’t want to rile up the congregation who pays your way.

  7. The person he should be apologizing to is God. It’s like he was standing on the beach and put his little toe in the surf. He yanked it out as soon as he got heat from the people he cares more about than God.

  8. I thought the church provided powerful leadership in the black community? Why are these pastors bowing and begging apologies for meeting with the most powerful man in the world who reduced black unemployment to the lowest level in history?

    Why haven’t they recruited Oprah and her billions to solve the black problem in her backyard? Why aren’t these pastors demanding all the super wealthy black sports and entertainment folks come to southside Chicago every day working shoulder to shoulder to find the solution to getting black education scores on par with whites and reducing black murder and crime to white levels?

  9. AbigailAdams- Right?!
    Crystal ball-sized diamonds on their women’s jewelry, the best (THE BEST!) human hair for their weaves, fancy cars, dinners, soft silk ties with which to dab their preach sweat with.

    Send them 20% of your monthly pay, pass that collection plate 2 more times so they can keep on keepin on spreading the gospel.
    CAN AH GIT AN AY MAYEN?! Have Murceh! *fans self* Well!

    Tell me. How the hayell do you get rich from CHURCH?!

  10. Race huckster preacher willing to let brothers sit in jail lest he be accused of liking the man trying to help him.

    Yea, your elected Democrats failed you. And your churches do to because they tell you what you want to hear (ex: feeding into your hate and pride) rather than what you need to hear (ex: quit being a bunch of prejudicial, racist assholes).

    Same thing with the LaVar Ball shoplifting in China. Immediately disrespecting the Pres who saved his son from 10 years in a foreign prison.

    They’ll cut off their noses to spite their stupid faces.

  11. Not much was likely to sink into that thick primitive skull of his but Trump had to give it a try anyway, Just for the sake of those willing to join the family of man.

  12. Aaaand the crabs start screaming and clawing the preachers looking over the edge of the pot back into the water, and the preachers surrender with barely a murmur. The left are weak-minded, group-thinking lemmings.


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