Black People Could Have a Problem With Kamala – IOTW Report

Black People Could Have a Problem With Kamala

ht/ Woody

13 Comments on Black People Could Have a Problem With Kamala

  1. Some Black people do have a problem with her.

    Probably not enough.

    We’ll see.

    …they dont need enough to actually elect her, just enough to make the steal plausible and convincingly threaten brown shirt violence if anyone questions it.

    I suspect they will keep enough onboard for that.

    Because, “Black”.
    Because, female.

    But mostly, because, Democrat.

    Ive lived in heavy Blue districts. Many Black people simply cannot imagine voting any other way. Democrat is heavily imgrained in many almost to the exclusion of anything else, as even race doesnt ensure lockstep loyalty if the Black person is conservative.

    Many Black people do know better. Many Black people do see through this, maybe even more than ever before.

    …but it very much remains to be seen if its enough…

  2. GreenPiece
    Wednesday, 14 August 2024, 7:45 at 7:45 am
    “Womenโ€™s suffrage sure has made us all suffrage.”

    …fair enough. We have very intelligent women here so the problem isnt women per se but women indoctrinated by feminism and women who like risky sex.

    Those womem love to kill their babies, and will vote that to the exclusion of all else.

    …I dont think its a factor this time, but in previous elections women voted for Clinton because they like a bad boy and Obama because they liked his voice regardless of what he used it to say, so yeah the ladies can be swayed by non-feministy things as well, but this time out I think the majority chick vote rides on abortion and nothing else even though its not a Federal issue, because a Kamala will MAKE it a Federal issue again and simply pack the court to get her way…

  3. What needs to be brought up and probably won’t be is that she jailed 1460 black males for minor marijuana offenses and kept them incarcerated past their release date because they could work them for about $2 a day.Her nickname back then was Kamala “Lock A Brutha Up” Harris. This “tough on crime” whore refused to prosecute thousands of felonies but charged truant children and their parents. What a tough law and order tramp.

  4. richard
    Wednesday, 14 August 2024, 10:02 at 10:02 am
    “…and kept them incarcerated past their release date because they could work them for about $2 a day.”

    …gotta hand it to her, she brought Black slavery to California, something even the antebellum plantation Democrats never achieved.

    Democrats always revert to type, no matter what color they claim to be…


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