Black Power – Is This What They Meant? – IOTW Report

Black Power – Is This What They Meant?

Detroit is the capital of stealing electricity from neighbors.

Will Mark Ruffalo come down to Detroit with his little megaphone and make a speech about how electricity is a right?

ht/ rob e.

5 Comments on Black Power – Is This What They Meant?

  1. Yep, 20 odd years ago when the wife & I lived in South Seattle, the only blacks on our street were the only crack house on our street. The stole power from their neighbor to the East and cable from their neighbor to the North. Strange how such useless fucks who can never find a job seem to have the skills necessary to rip off utilities when the urge hits them.

  2. Water service isn’t a right and neither is electricity service.

    The Bible says if you want to eat you have to work.

    I wonder how Mark Garaffalo (isn’t it funny how all of the lefties last names sound alike) and the mega left-tards would feel if I started handing out FREE home built AR-15’s out of the goodness of my heart, because self-defense IS a right.

  3. DH (who is now retired), worked for the power company, and as part of his duties he had to go shut people off for nonpayment. They were mostly white people with small children. The stories he would tell when he got home were pathetic. That all stopped with the smart meters being installed on every home. Almost impossible to steal power now. He turned in many a renter to the SPCA – animals chained up with no food or water.

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