Black principal segregates classrooms by race – IOTW Report

Black principal segregates classrooms by race

Democrats were responsible for segregation then- and they are practicing it now.

Read About It HERE

12 Comments on Black principal segregates classrooms by race

  1. I am thankful that black, rational adults who have not drunk the kool-aid are becoming more and more aware of the evil indoctrination that is being perpetrated by democrats upon them and their children. (and I would bet my life that the principal is a democrat!)

  2. I WISH my son’s first school did that. Instead, because he had good test scores, especially on the State tests, they always put him in the classrooms with the biggest losers and thugs to try to give the overall class scores some “equity”.

    To his detriment.

    That’s one reason why we yanked him.

    I would have LOVED if they did this in HIS school.

    But with SO MANY mixed race kids, I’m not sure they would have even known where to START…

  3. Years ago, the Seattle a school board instituted voluntary (on the part of the school system) a bussing system to help make schools more diverse. Of course, the neighborhoods where the Important People lived were not included in this scheme. As I recall, many kids who lived in the same neighborhoods were still going to school together, they were just being bussed across town to do it.

    After a few years there was a ballot initiative to end the bussing. “Activists” called it the “Apartheid Amendment.” Before that vote, though, there was a move for kids in predominantly black neighborhoods to go to school in their own neighborhoods because it 1) it was better for them and 2) it helped build strong communities. You know, the same things white parents were called racist for saying.

  4. The mother could not believe that a principal that looks like her would do such a thing.

    However, anyone paying attention the last 40-50 yrs would tell you that an unqualified/incapable person could land a position beyond their abilities precisely because a) they are black and b) they are female.

    In the name of eradicating racism, America has condoned and LEGISLATED racism for decades. The circle will be unbroken because certain parties profit from that wheel.

  5. That’s rich.
    I’m all for it.
    But it’s unnecessary: Calculus, Physics, Algebra, Latin, History, Homer, English Literature, Algebra II/Trig, Botany, Metal Shop, Wood Shop, Biology, and Chemistry are already segregated.

    izlamo delenda est …


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