Black SJW Goes Berserk on a Guy Because He said…. “Hello” – IOTW Report

Black SJW Goes Berserk on a Guy Because He said…. “Hello”

She claims she was sexually harassed.
Bad Language:

31 Comments on Black SJW Goes Berserk on a Guy Because He said…. “Hello”

  1. thanks all you sjw for stirring up the racial pot and lighting fires under it.
    too bad it’s not you but all the hard working normal people who will be affected by this uppity crap coming out of the mouths of our esteemed black population.

    good job assholes!

    go choke on your white privilege.

  2. First: The child be needing to learns how to spell.
    Second: Ignore her and you fail to acknowledge her presence, thus denying a black person’s right to exist.
    Third: Psycho bitch be crazy.

  3. And black women wonder why they can’t get a man to stick around. My wife on her worst PMS day, my wife sitting in the car while I get a speeding ticket, my wife when my son has gouged a groove in the new hardwood floors, is not even a tenth as psycho as this ‘roid-rage racist. No wonder Barky appears to be superhuman to average black people. He is doing the seemingly impossible feat of staying married while black.

  4. And BTW, my last speeding ticket was in 2007. I think the cop felt sorry for me by the time he got back with the ticket. You could probably hear the yelling on his dash cam.

  5. Wellll…if that’s a form of sexual activity, then let me just say the following to Scarlett Johansson:

    “Hello. Hello? Hello-oo-oo. Hello, hello, hello. Hello, hellohellohellohellohellohel- …HOWDYYYYYY!!!


    I feel much better now.


  6. I’ll bet the white guy didn’t follow up. He could have gotten that woman on harassment and threatening charges and if she wasn’t in the system she could have been put in the system. This roid raged product of Clinton, LBJ and Obama will, at some point, actually murder somebody one of the next times she flips out. By the way, there are tens of millions of proud, patriotic black Americans however this one is a nigger. Oh, nigger is a state of mind and doesn’t depend on color (at least as far as I’m concerned).

  7. BFH if you have contact information on this person please forward to appropriate authorities,she not only make racist and terrorist threats,she records herself doing so. At the end of the video she implies she will do harm to others. The legal term for this is “Issuing of a terrorist threat”,her behavior might be enough for a psych hold if she goes off on whatever poor G-man gets the assignment of investigating her. Please G-d let it be a white male. She is what I term an ATM.. ambulatory temporal munition….aka: walking time bomb.

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