Black SJW More Afraid of a Roomful of White People Than a Roomful of Black People – IOTW Report

Black SJW More Afraid of a Roomful of White People Than a Roomful of Black People

You have to be a special kind of ideologue when you ignore statistics just to make a disingenuous political point.

I can literally sit here all night and post video after video after video after video of fights in restaurants involving black people, black people who are hurting black people. Go to World Star Hip Hop. It’ll be bedtime before you go through 1/10th of the videos of black on black violence in restaurants, yet, this Social Justice Warrior was worried that she might not get out alive of a Cracker Barrel because the patronage happened to be all white when she sat down.

When was the last time a black person was assaulted for being black in a restaurant by white people?



Who damaged this girl?

Hey Iljeoma, show me on this doll where the bad professor touched you and indoctrinated you this ridiculousness.

33 Comments on Black SJW More Afraid of a Roomful of White People Than a Roomful of Black People

  1. Black Ass, That conjured up an image in my mind. Her ass was so black, you couldn’t see her crack. Maybe it was her black hole. A some what attractive woman. To bad she’s a racists.

  2. Why would anybody be surprised about this? She’s a black with a chip on her shoulder put there by her parents, the Democrats and the media (news, Hollywood, you name it). She’s been brought up to be a racist and demonstrates that quite well in her twitter comments. The sad thing is that by being so open about her hatred of whites at some point it will cost her. The next job she applies for will no doubt do a search on her and decline to take her aboard. This will probably happen again and again she will no doubt take these rejections as confirmation of the white devils trying to hold her back. I really don’t understand how people (all races) can take to the net, do something this self-damaging and figure nobody will notice. The mind boggles.

  3. Sympathy-mongering.

    Black people just LOVE being victims of everything, and WHY NOT? The white liberals will open the doors and treasury for them to ease their fake pain.

    Get off the plantation honey, you’re free. You’re not a slave victim and you don’t need ‘ol white massa giving you freebies if you cry hard enough.

  4. It will take at least three generations to bring America back to quasi normal. Our education system is destroyed in most inner cities.
    The ivy league colleges are just breeding grounds for communists.
    Americans, real Americans, have a tough row to hoe. Some day in the future, I imagine, there will be a terrible upheaval. These colleges, and government buildings will be burned to the ground and a new crop of revolutionaries will spring up. The actions of the Republicans these past few months have convinced me of this. They voted to appeal Obamacare several times, knowing that it meant nothing, Obama would veto the bills. But then when President Trump said give me the bill and I’ll sign it. They panicked. They huddled.
    They drew lots. Who would vote to stop it? The two broads jumped in, Collins and the ugly from Alaska, we’ll vote against it they said. But they needed one more vote to stop VP Pence in the event of a 50/50 tie. So Songbird McCain, the hero of the USS Forrestal and the Hanoi Hilton, got out of his deathbed to give the infamous thumb’s down at two in the morning.
    Mark my words McCain will be known as the tiger of the Senate, for a while, as his asshole buddy Ted Kennedy is known as the Lion of the Senate. but come the upheaval, the revolution? Things will change. Just my opinion MAGA and Phuck the Begrudgers.

  5. She appears awfully Caucasian. Like, 85%+++.

    She looks as white as Rachel Dolezal.
    She could pass for Israeli, Greek, Italian, South American.
    On any sidewalk in Africa, she’d be white.

    I’m thinking this muffin-ette has major struggles with her whole Spock/Vulcan/Human issues.

    At 25 she’s gonna spend $29 for a mailaway DNA test. And she’ll be astonished to discover she’s mostly Irish-Welsh-Polish-Scotch with a dash of Filipino.

  6. If I were in a Cracker Barrel, I’d be long-distance traveling, eating, resting my eyes, and trying to relax. If she were to accost me with her racist horseshit, I’d do my best to avoid arguing with the chimp, hurry to leave and drive off thinking how can I avoid stopping in that town ever again. Life is too short and I have no time to waste on losers.

  7. Mz. Black Leftist of the Year is more afraid of being ignored by whites than becoming a victim of black on black crime. In her mind, being victimized by her own race is just a statistical blink. However, if she could get the attention of white people, by accusing them of being potential racist powderkegs, then, that’ll show those “tall white oppressors” she knows what they’re planning and inform the oppressed. A strategy that would earn her street cred with her comrades – what a loon. Leftist crap ideology has turn this woman into a paranoid, reactionary psycho. BTW, she looks like a slumming, upper middle class suburbanite.

  8. “I’m in South Chicago for the first time. At night. Looking at the sea of black folks with their pants at their knees & wondering if they will tell my white ass where the nearest Cracker Barrel is?

  9. HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! I lived in Black dominated cities for 14 years. I can tell you, the people most afraid were not Black people. Blacks are safest when in a White community.

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