Black Student Yells ‘I’m Off The Plantation!’ At Don Jr. During Turning Point USA Summit – IOTW Report

Black Student Yells ‘I’m Off The Plantation!’ At Don Jr. During Turning Point USA Summit

Daily Caller: President Trump’s son, Don Jr., addressed the first annual Turning Point USA Young Black Leaders Summit in Washington, D.C., on Thursday evening.

The summit featured hundreds of young black conservative students from across the country who gathered to hear from conservative black leaders, members of the administration, President Trump and his family.

Don Jr. opened up the event with a speech about the president’s accomplishments for all Americans, including black Americans.

The spirited speech was punctuated with calls from the audience to Trump. Don Jr.’s speech was often interrupted with chants of “USA! USA! USA!” and calls to “build the wall.”

Trump was describing historically low unemployment for the black community under his father’s administration when one of the students yelled, “I’m off the plantation!” 

9 Comments on Black Student Yells ‘I’m Off The Plantation!’ At Don Jr. During Turning Point USA Summit

  1. The Left cannot rejoice in successful, conservatives of color. This is not what the Left has in mind when they speak of “diversity.” To the Left, these young, black Americans can never be anything more than Token Negroes.

    By the way, did this event get any coverage today in the media or was it conveniently missing due to the perfectly timed, Suspicious Reporting of the “MAGA Bomber” who sent no bombs?

  2. Ebony Magazine, Southern Poverty Law Center, National Association for the advancement of ColoredPeople, Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition, and Al Sharpton’s Shake Down Whitey for all Dey Gots didn’t participate and have no comment.

    Seriously though. This is heartwarming. We’re all Americans and all Americans have been under assault by the devious left for decades. Black Americans even before us whites. Welcome to the real struggle.

  3. Ted Nougat,
    It was on MSM somewhat.
    MSNBC was covering it and then Andrea Mitchell broke in to breathless speak that now immortal line “CNN SUCKS” on NBC.
    It Was Classic!
    May be on youtube?

  4. You’re not ” off then plantation ”
    if you are taking welfare checks and other freebees.
    Why does anyone think they’re there ?

    Welfare is a modern form of slavery.
    Aside from the ” truly needy ” like
    the disabled and mental incompetents,
    Why are more than 90% of cradle to grave welfare recipients
    on welfare ?

    You’d think the black church ministry would be speaking about this because

    The current state of cradle to grave welfare exists to make sure that


    The current public assistance guarantees that
    And NOTHING else.

    Why isn’t welfare thought of as a form of slavery ?

  5. So proud of these young people. Black Americans have been in self-destruct mode so long, I gave up hope there would ever be a remnant of black conservatives who would survive. Thank God for President Trump. God has answered my prayers.

  6. Now that they’ve made the courageous leap to go to the White House and stand tall with Donald Trump they will see with great clarity who is afraid of having their hold over Blacks threatened simply by who throw all the epithets … and I’m betting they all come from so-called “Black leaders” or possibly White democRATs throwing up their Liberal Shields of “White Privilege” and “White Supremacy” that really mean “You can’t touch us, we´re just looking out for the poor Black man”…


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