Black support for the right is growing – IOTW Report

Black support for the right is growing

This was not an anomaly. This was a signal of things to come.

From 2 years ago:

The Hill tried to bury the significance of this latest poll (below) by saying black people “overwhelmingly ” support “unknown democrat” over Trump, but the poll shows something daunting for the dems –

See that? 32% of black males support Trump. How is this “overwhelming support” for an unknown democrat? These are the highest numbers for a republican candidate seeking the black vote in decades upon decades.

Our Trump supporter at the California hearing 2 years ago was just a tip of the iceberg.

33 Comments on Black support for the right is growing

  1. The Left just needs to lose a little bit of the black vote and they’re in trouble. That’s why they imported so many Latinos to cover their butts. But then, the Latinos don’t seem to be interested in socialist dem idiots lately either.

  2. I understand the need to invalidate leftist talking points, part of a larger front to neutralize the opposition, but I would prefer we let the other side play intersectionality bingo, identity politics is their bailiwick. Trump is making America great for ALL Americans, that was his mandate. His policies are lifting all boats. Black Americans can see the results, they want their piece of the American dream (prosperity, choice, control over their own lives and fortunes) along with everyone else. Americans are all the beneficiaries, and they come in all shapes and colors.

  3. Because of Obama Biden has favorable black support and he is doing well in SC. Warren, Mayor Pete and many of the other dems have a black problem. Blacks don’t care for them. Sure you can pick a black VP but that probably won’t ensure black turnout. Just ask Gillum, he lost black women in FL being against school choice. Sure seems likely to be another reason they need to impeach and try to remove before the election.

  4. Black women are as dumb as white women. I’ll never understand why women vote for people who want to either murder their babies or control their children.

  5. @ Rich Taylor – you hit the nail on the head. Maybe, just maybe, a sizable portion of Blacks will see the results of a growing and all inclusive economy. If that happens, Katie bar the door.

  6. I believe that the table shown is excerpted from this at Big League Politics:

    And I’m sorry to say it, but that table makes little sense. Whoever conducted this did so online, but nothing says how such a feat was accomplished. In the Gender:Male column (see table at BLP), we see that there were 540 respondents, of whom 47 would prefer the “Democratic nominee” and 22 would prefer Trump. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE OTHER 471???? Did they refuse to answer this question? Or did they say they had no preference? Or was the online session (whatever that was) terminated before this question? Or was the question even asked among all respondents or only a subset to allow more detailed questions? WE HAVE NO IDEA!

    The percentages (68% and 32%) seem to be based merely on the 47+22=69 group, not the full 540 respondents. A more accurate percentage breakout is:

    Prefer Democrat 47 8.7%
    Prefer Trump 22 4.1%
    We don’t know what happened to these 471 87.2%
    Total 540 100.0%

    And from THAT, virtually nothing can be concluded.

  7. This is just another leading indicator of a Trump Tsunami getting ready to roll a red wave across this great land. Only a few isolated pockets of blue on both coasts will survive.

    It’s the Black and Latino voters in percentages not seen before that will cause the red wave to crest miles above what the lane stream media will admit.

    Through in the 90% of independents who will vote against socialism and the actual Demonrats who will secretly pull the leaver for Trump and you will have a landslide of patriots never to be forgotten in history.

    You can already feel the momentum in crowds he is drawing, the people shall rise against the Reptile Queen and the Demonrats will be destroyed even with their millions of illegal votes.

    Honey, there is a big storm a coming… says the oddly confident lady from IPOT on you tube.

  8. I’m not going by polls because it’s too easy — I realized — to find something to suit your confirmation bias. But I’ve always been really good at grokking (for lack of a better word) the bits and pieces that come through various reporting, as well as just the stuff you hear first person, and I’ve found that one can draw some conclusions not only from what is said out loud but, maybe even more importantly, what is not mentioned — if that makes any sense at all. Things are changing out there. What used to be a small sample has been growing nearly imperceptibly. But something that has seemed stubbornly unchanging is the rough percentage of what we would call the “radical left.” This business of polls saying that 60+% of college students embrace Socialism, I think, is utter bunkum. These are push polls deliberately put out there to give the message, targeting college-age people, that it’s more popular to say you like Socialism. But these push polls are a real danger.

  9. @1:10 he said the “I’m gonna expose everythang”.

    It got me to thinking…

    Donald J Trump IS the ‘Exposer IN Chief’.

    He appears to be ‘exposing’…things, like the WORST in the left and in some libs.

  10. @Anon – not sounding so nice tonight, are ya? The freaking guy made a comment, LAY THE FUCK OFF already.

    You have NO CLUE how that very well spoken guy in that chamber voted. LOOK AT HIS HAT. Do you really think he voted for Obama, what because he is BLACK??


    Don’t harp or lurk on Fritz, it’s not becoming of an Anon(s).

    Will the real Anon stand up already for the REAL Anon!!? I know that sounds redundant…

  11. ghost of brig gen j glover

    So your an authority here? An enforcer? I doubt it. Not that smart not the quick. Be careful of the battles you pick sir. My comments towards the idiot are solely based on him deciding a black christian was an Obama voter from another thread. What’s different with this black man? ghost of brig gen j glover, if you don’t understand it, don’t fucking comment on it. Fair?

  12. Authority? Here, on IOTW? God knows, NOT. I have only been here for a year plus, a yeoman maybe?

    So, we alll think alike based on what? Skin color??

    You attacked someone YOU did not know, the guy speaking in a VERY public manner at that meeting.

    Go ahead take Fritz’ fucking head off. Sounds personal, I will back off that.

    NOT back off, but for the fact you made an assumption about a person you have NO fucking clue about do ya??

    Yeah, I do understand your way of thinking.

    I’ll comment on WHAT I fucking want to. Fair?

  13. @Fritz – I had to look up what a DD214 even is!

    Thanks but to be very clear and honest, I am NO vet, I HONOR the service of all vets and treasure the souls that did not make it back.

    I’m just a student of history with a grandfather in WWI, a father in the Coast Guard in WWII, and a brother that was a Air Force re-fueler in Viet Nam.

    Glover was a Colonel that led the 14th Mass in the Revolution.

    What is the basis in ‘getting’ what an Anon thinks to begin with? Makes NO sense, according to language.

  14. Fritz the Cat

    Good news Fritz. You found a friend. You sound like you need one bad with all the slobbering going on.

    What’s the difference between this black guy and the black Christian last night? Just asking.

  15. “@ Fritz – do NOT take shit from anyone anytime…unless physically threatened with no back up.”

    LOL. You guys are cracking me up. You do realize you’re on the FUCKING INTERNET right?

    Here’s the deal. I believe in order to save the Republic we need every vote we can get. Don’t care about skin color, don’t care about abortion right now. We can settle that latter. When I run into selective racists like you two I just feel like you should vote Libtard and get it over with. You guys really don’t get it.

  16. Anon,

    Libtard?? Is that what is all ya really have?? I can copy clip your post ‘here’s the deal’…bullshit…and say it was written by a Neo Lib!

    Answer the question:

    Did you make an assumption about the black guy in the MAGA hat or not??? How he voted?? You raaaaaacist!

    Stop with the platitudes and tell me what I do not GET.

    Concentrate and tell me.

    Ya Arrogant Elitist…and btw you should really stop with the self emulating up voting.

    No enforcer here, just batting clean up.

  17. “No enforcer here, just batting clean up.”

    You’re not qualified.
    “Did you make an assumption about the black guy in the MAGA hat or not???”

    Absolutely not. And that’s my point. People like you will help the Socialist win.

  18. Hey dum dum, listen up.

    YOUR words:

    “Pretty sure he voted for Obama at least once, Moron.”

    Explain who ‘he’ is you are referring to and who you are calling a Moron?
    Are ya sure not sure?? Oh, you ARE ‘pretty sure’. Why capitalize Moron with an M and not m?? Just wonderin’?

    Explain your drivel.

  19. @anon – No yo bro, I ain’t from no south state yo. I do have a sister that lives in Georgia dough.

    I happen to be from The Bronx ya dipshit.

    “I’m guessing you are a southerner.”

    What does that mean?? Being ironic are ya??

    Keep on besmirching people, you’re exposing yourself by the second ova here-ra!

    Where did asshole Anon grow up? or did you ever?

    I am honest, can an Anon be??


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