‘Black Vote Ain’t for Sale’ – IOTW Report

‘Black Vote Ain’t for Sale’

Prominent Activist Exposes Kamala’s $10K Interview Offer, Slams ‘Democrat Plantation’ Tactics to Manipulate Black Voters.

6 Comments on ‘Black Vote Ain’t for Sale’

  1. It’s the same old shit:

    “I promise to be completely respectful of the Vice President but I will ask direct questions about miseducation, mass incarceration, police brutality, economic strangulation, gentrification/ migrant crisis, reparations & and the need for a federal anti-Black Hate Crimes Bill.”

  2. Congressman James Clyburn for all intents and purposes runs the AME Church (African Methodist Evangelical Church). The AME Church in essence supplies a large network of Ballot Counters for the Dems (notice “ballots” and not “votes”) throughout key districts in all the swing states. This is the only back vote they care about continuing to buy.

  3. They are for sure for sale, and has been for ages.
    BLM riot every 4 years.
    The leftist politicians only remember them in election year.
    The professional victims come out of the wood work every election year.
    So yes, they have always been for sale.

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