Black Voters: Hillary Not Genuine – IOTW Report

Black Voters: Hillary Not Genuine


CHARLESTON, South Carolina (WNB) – A new poll indicates that black voters in South Carolina are leery of Hillary Clinton. Responses from over 2000 registered black voters show that 82% believe Clinton is “a rich old white bitch” who “will do or say anything to win a vote.”  MORE

16 Comments on Black Voters: Hillary Not Genuine

  1. Hillary can fool all of the black people some of the time, and some of the black people all of the time, but she obviously can’t fool all of the black people all of the time.

    Maybe they’ve become tired of being screwed out of jobs by insanely shitty ‘free trade’ deals and illegal aliens?

  2. @Moetom:

    Yes, I have been predicting for quite a while that Hillary is going to have a very ugly, very public meltdown before this is all over. The facade is bound to crack at some point.

    I cannot say when this will be except that it will be at the precise moment she finally gets out of denial and realizes that, for the second and last possible time, it’s all slipping away, and she will be denied the ultimate prize of being the nation’s grandma.

    I have plenty of popcorn laid in, so when the joyous moment arrives, you and Mrs. Me can drive down and chow down. Then, wash it down with a few O’Doul’s on McLean Avenue!

  3. Expect to see her videotaped at a twerking lesson soon.
    She’ll probably change her name to O.G. Hilla Chill, and switch back and forth between exaggerated negro-speak (think Jim in Huckleberry Finn), and a freestyle rap with Chelsea beatboxing with her bongo lips, and Bill yelling ‘Whatup?’ in the hook.
    Bill is a natural, being used to working with his pants halfway down.

  4. @Moetom

    Yes, I expect a serious illness that will force her out of the campaign. I expect this to happen near convention time. I expect to see her recover in prison after the election in November 2016.

    The problem with Hilliary is she is unlikeable, totally corrupt, and a liar. The Clinton fatigue will only get worse.

    Don’t bet the (D) establishment doesn’t have polling data that shows she’ll get her ass handed to her in a general election with any of the major (R) candidates.

  5. One fact about South Carolina blacks the ‘RATs will not admit: there are MANY for whom the Republican party is a family tradition. Tim Scott is evidence.
    So is the NRA, founded to protect blacks with guns from the DemocRATs out to get them.
    Lincoln freed the slaves and, in some eyes, Nikki Haley is “colored.”
    There is a large black population in the heavy military presence in SC which, thanks to Obutthole, will vote conservatively.

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