Black Woman Figures Out How To Get White Privilege – IOTW Report

Black Woman Figures Out How To Get White Privilege

She goes to Home Depot, buys paint, and paints herself white.

This is being posted because it’s, indeed, a spectacle. It has some parts, however, that couldĀ make you laugh.


45 Comments on Black Woman Figures Out How To Get White Privilege

  1. She’ll find out no one is going out of their way to make life easier for white folks in particular. No, we have to get our asses out of bed, day after day, and work our asses off from early in the morning into the evening trying to eke out a living.

  2. She looks more like the hood version of Casper the Friendly Ghost than any white person I’ve ever seen. Somebody’s off her meds. That better be water based paint or the lunatic is in for a world of hurt.

  3. I believe that’s Behr shade #666 – Nigga B Gone

    Yo Shantaintcha, you might wanna slap a coat of poly on top a ‘dat to keep yo whiteness from rubbin off in da rain.

  4. Race baiters, race mongers, black “community organizers” and activists, Sharpton, Jackson, Jackson-Lee, you can name them all — this is THEIR doing! Imagine if the twisted, tortured revisionist history of slavery, the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement had been taught accurately in schools for the past 50 years.

  5. Sorry hun, Yo “nigga” be to the bone. See yo attitude for reference.

    You need a time machine to go back to start and not have your mind poisoned in the first place. But that requires not being nigga-fied along the way. You’ll need to be raised by a decent family and reject all the hate and `hood ornaments offered.

    You can still do it but you have a helluva hurdle you’re addicted to this late in life – it’s called victim-hood. It’s powerfully addicting to not stand as responsible for your own actions. This whole “paint myself white” thing is one manifestation of it.

    Start holding yourself responsible for your life and quit blaming others and you’re on the right road.

    First step: get rid of your EBT card and reject all money offered because you’re black. Make your own way in life. Be valuable. Learn something people will hire you for. It happens every day for everyone of any color.

    Do the things you do in your life work, or not work? Drop what doesn’t work. Pick up new habits that do work. That simple.

    Example: Not listening to lawful orders from police may result in your death. Dropping the gun and the attitude may result in a longer life.

    Not rocket science.

  6. She’ll wash that paint off in a hurry when she’ll realizes that she’ll have to work and pay taxes to support a bunch of lazy welfare recipients (another form of SLAVERY).

  7. Oh Lawdy, the end times be nigh. The Antijolson walks among us. Let loose the four Lawn Jockeys of the a-pack-o lips. Bringing plagues upon the community in the form of personal responsibility, and a need to labor for wages.

  8. Great now white people will look like “people of color” when they stand next to her (we’re not really “white” you know) …meanwhile she looks like a mime. And she better not go to North Carolina. They’re arresting clowns on sight down there.

  9. Reminds me of an old joke.

    Little black boy was climbing around the cupboards in his Mama’s kitchen and reaching up, pulls a canister of flour down on his head. He quickly runs towards the bathroom but spies himself in a mirror and thinks, “Hey, I is a white boy!”
    Excited he heads outside where he runs into his Daddy who takes one look and starts cursing/yelling at him to go clean himself up. When he gets back inside, his Mama is waiting for him and she tears him a new one for the mess he’s made and orders him to the bathroom.
    Later, all sparkly clean and thoroughly admonished, he’s sitting on the porch when Grampa comes along and says, “Why so sad, little man?” Boy says, “I was a white boy for only 15 minutes and I already hate all you black sumbitches…..”

  10. I’d like to know what brand of paint she’s using, the Mister and I are planning to paint all the rooms in our house, and we’d prefer to get the job done using a single coat. She’s managed to get good coverage in a single coat.

  11. She’s mocking. Her name is Tashala Dangel Geyer, and I shouldn’t be surprised (since it’s the way of the world anymore), but for a crazy person, she’s inexplicably popular.

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