Black woman learns she’s racist from her leftwing friends – IOTW Report

Black woman learns she’s racist from her leftwing friends

She’s also a sexist and a misogynist.

13 Comments on Black woman learns she’s racist from her leftwing friends

  1. This is the reason why the democrats are now spewing reparations and their 2020 candidates are all going to black churches and meeting with black communities. They are worried about the black vote for the first time in decades. And that Smollett fiasco was probably tied to one of them wanting to get a video of Trump supporters beating a gay black dem that they could endlessly play and try to convince black voters to stay on their reservation.

  2. If you visit California you will see signs all over the place that say “This material is know by they State of California to cause cancer.” You see those notices more than you see tagging in a ghetto. It is to the point where they would save money if they put up notices that say “This material is NOT knowby the State of California to cause cancer.l

    That is the thing with being called “racist.” The left slaps that label on everyone they don’t like and it doesn’t mean anything anymore.


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