#BlackHandsMatter – IOTW Report


Screen Shot 2015-09-04 at 2.56.38 PM

Racist Soap Dispenser

Pt 2

14 Comments on #BlackHandsMatter

  1. That reminds me..
    Of the black guy pissing in the urinal with a white cock next to me,
    Not gay or anything but couldn’t help but notice you’re all black with a white cock,
    so he says, Oh, I’m not black, just a coal miner on honeymoon.

  2. The black guy didn’t put his hand under the sensor properly (on purpose it appears to me) to have soap dispensed. Notice the white guy has his hand further to the right (I know …….. that’s racist too) and a little closer to the spout. But in today’s world there are probably people that will actually believe that soap dispensers are a racist conspiracy.

  3. There’s an old joke you can substitute your favorite college rivalries for – An Auburn grad and an Alabama grad end up in the bathroom at the same time during the annual football game. They finish their business and Auburn grad heads immediately for the door. The Alabama grad huffs “well, at Alabama they taught us to wash our hands after using the bathroom”. The Auburn grad responds, “well at Auburn, they taught us not to piss on our hands”.

  4. Tim Cook’s fag Apple watch and its pulse sensor also had problems with dark skin and tattoos.
    I remember the launch video where Cook was raving about how he and his friend could send each other a pulse rate.

  5. Me too, but it seems crazy not to. Even though I wear gloves while working.

    I do a dirty business and I’m not risking contaminating “the only dick that has never had a name”.

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